Total Number of Posts: 44
About the College
SREE ANANTHA PADMANABHA Arts and Science & Commerce COLLEGE, Vikarabad, Vikarabad District, Telangana State. Pin-501 101, Phone: 08416-295501, Mobile: 9347128935 E-Mail:, Web:
About the Recruitment
Applications are invited for the lecturer post in the following subjects to teach UG courses on self Finance basis.
- Date of interview and venue will be intimated later for the candidates who applied for the above posts.
- The above posts are purely on temporary basis.
- A Minimum salary of Rs.18,000/- per month will be offered to the suitable candidates and additional weightage will be given for NET/SLET/Ph.D qualified and experience.
Minimum Qualification: PG in Concerned subject with minimum of 55% marks, preference will be given to NET/SET/M.Phil/Ph.D holders and experienced candidates.
Department and Post Details
- Botany: 2
- Zoology: 3
- Chemistry: 4
- History: 1
- Economics: 1
- Political Science: 1
- Microbiology: 2
- Public Administration: 1
- Physics: 3
- English: 2
- Mathematics: 2
- Telugu: 2
- Statistics: 1
- Hindi: 2
- Computer Science: 2
- Sanskrit: 2
- Commerce: 8
- Library Science: 1
- Business Administration – (With commerce Background): 2
- Physical Education: 1
Vice Principal: 1 Post (Teaching experience 10 years with computer knowledge):
Senior Assistant: 1 Post (Accounts and Computer knowledge)
How to Apply
Applications with Bio data along with Xerox copies of marks sheets, PG certificates and any additional qualifications should reach the SAP College, Vikarabad on or before 18.07 2022 in person or through mail:
Contact: Principal
Ph.No.: 9866587068, 9347 128935
Sd/- M.Ravindra Reddy Secretary & Correspondent, MC
This is Dr Malik Abaker. My inquery about the annonced lecturer post if possible for forigen to apply. At the same time i want inform you that i have recived my PhD degree from CCSHARYANA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, HISAR, INDIA 2021 ( ENTOMOLOGY DEPARTMENT).
Hi you can go through the official notification link. All details a re available