About the Recruitment
About the Institution
(An Autonomous Institution of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India) Chandrabani, Dehra Dun- 248002, Uttarakhand EPBAX: 0135-2640114 and 2640115, Website: www.wii.gov.in, Email: registrarpr@wii.gov.in
The Wildlife Institute of India (WII) is a premier autonomous Institute of the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate
Change, Government of India working for wildlife research, teaching and training. The Institute plans to engage project personnel (Indian national only) (Annexure 1) in the above mentioned project on purely contractual basis, initially for a one-year period from the date of engagement that can be extended depending on the candidate’s performance and the project needs. The positions advertised are purely temporary/ contractual for the project period only and will stand abolished after completion of the project.
The candidate should send the duly filled application form (Annexure 2) in a sealed envelope super-scribed “WII-NMCG PROJECT” and the “NAME OF POST APPLIED FOR”, with self-attested true copies of educational qualifications, experience certificates, extra-curricular activity, certificate of date of birth (certificate or mark sheet of high school), to The Registrar, Wildlife Institute of India, Chandrabani, Post Office – Mohbewala, Dehra Dun, 248002, Uttarakhand. Each candidate can apply at the most for two positions only.
Application Details
Application fees of Rs. 500/- will have to be deposited through Demand Draft made in favor of the Director, Wildlife Institute of India for each position.
The Demand Draft will have to be submitted with the application form. Candidates belonging to SC/ST and Physically Challenged (PC) category need not pay any fees but will have to pay Rs. 100 as application handling charges. The
SC/ST/PC certificate should be attached with the application. Applications without Demand Draft of required amount and self-attested documents will be treated as incomplete and will be rejected. The applications that are not submitted
in the prescribed format as given in Annexure 2 will not be considered. The completed application should reach the
Office of the Registrar by 30th July 2022 by 5:30 P.M.
The selection to all the posts will be based on personal interview, which will be conducted by a duly constituted Interview
Committee. All the applications received, will be screened and only shortlisted candidates will be called for the
interview. The date of the interview will be communicated to the candidates for making travel arrangements to report
at WII or through Video Conferencing. The selection of the candidate will be in accordance with the performance in the
interview and in order of merit as decided by the Interview Committee. The prescribed essential qualifications and desirable qualifications are the bare minimum and mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for interview.
If the number of applications received in response to advertisement is large, it will not be convenient or possible for the
selection board to interview all those candidates who have applied. Hence, the Institute may shortlist the candidates to
a reasonable limit based on the essential and desirable qualifications / record of academic performance / relevant
experience for the post or any other benchmarks as decided by a committee constituted to screen the applications.
The criteria for screening of applications will be based on the candidates qualifying credentials against:
- The specified essential qualification,
- Date of birth (The upper age limit is to be calculated based on the last date for applying to this advertisement 30th July 2022),
- Completeness of the application in terms of providing accurate details and submission of the passport size photograph, demand draft, and self-attested copies of the mark sheets, academic and experience certificates, signature, name of referees,
- Experience in relevant field as suitable for the post applied for,
- Desirable qualification and experience as specified against each position Consistent academic performance at one or more levels etc. The candidate’s experience certificates should clearly specify whether they possess the experience / knowledge / skills / technology / software platform requested in the essential / desirable experience requirements against the post.
- Candidates already working with any Government organization need to bring a “No objection” certificates from their employer The benchmark for screening the applications will be set by a committee constituted to screen the applications. The final selection of the Screened-in candidate will be based on the candidate’s performance before the Interview Committee. The decision of the Institute’s Screening Committee in all matters relating to eligibility, work experience, acceptance or rejection of the application, mode of selection will be final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry or correspondence will be entertained from any individual or his/her agency. At the time of the verification of original documents, if it is found that an attempt has been made by the applicant to willfully conceal, misrepresent or canvass the facts, his/her candidature will not be considered. All original documents should be produced at the time of joining.
- No TA/DA will be given for attending the interview.
Incomplete application/ application sent by email are liable to be rejected. The application should reach the Wildlife
Institute of India, Dehradun by 30th July, 2022 by 05:30 P.M. Any application received after the last date will be
rejected. All eligible interested candidates are advised to follow the latest updates on WII’s website http://www.wii.gov.in/ under the recruitment section.