The book will be published by a renowned publisher with ISBN.
The proposed edited book aims at examining the notion of disability theory and its practice in theoretical
perspectives. The book seeks scholarly articles on different theoretical perspectives on disability. Thus, the
forthcoming edited book seeks to incorporate scholarly works around. A few related themes have been suggested, but the scholars are free to explore other areas, too; they are not confined to the following themes only:
- Depiction of disability in ancient texts
- Disability and gender discourse/discrimination
- Disabled and their marital issues
- Disability and ethnicity
- Disability and cinema
- Disability and politics
- The aesthetics of Disability
- Disability and Sexuality
- Disability and Technology
- Disability and religion/caste
- The future of disability studies
- Disability and life writings
- Disability and media
- Disabled and every day experiences
- Disability and postmodernism
- Disability and accessibility in India and other nations
- Disability and Higher education
- Disability and law
- Different models of disability
- Disability and culture
- Disability and abuses
- Disability and apprehensions
- Disability and the pandemic/disaster
Authors are requested to adhere to the following guidelines:
- Compliance to MLA 8th edition
- Full title of the paper: Times New Roman, 14 font size, Bold
- Body of the article: Times New Roman, 12 font size, 1.5 space
- Length of the paper: about 3000-5000words including work cited
- Submission deadline: 31 May, 2023
The paper should be accompanied with:
- An abstract in about 150-200 words along with 5-8 keywords.
- A declaration that “It is an original research work of the author and has not been published anywhere else or has not been sent for publication anywhere and that it is free from plagiarism; all external sources in the paper are duly acknowledged and documented.”
- A short bio note of the con tributor(s) indicating name, designation, affiliation and brief career history, contact details and email address.
The articles are to be sent to the following e-mail: rameshphdgri@gmail.com
Dr. S. Balasundari is an Associate Professor of English in the School of English and Foreign Languages,
The Gandhigram Rural Institute, Deemed to be University, Gandhigram, Tamilnadu.
N. Ramesh Kumar (M.A., M.Phil. NET), is a Ph.D. research scholar on Disability Studies in the School of
English and Foreign Languages, The Gandhigram Rural Institute, Deemed to be University, Gandhigram,
Contact: rameshphdgri@gmail.com