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About the Publication
This book Covers sources of sustainable energies, methodologies, future technologies, Assessment and impact on climate change with the use of engineering. It explores applications of technologies of energies and covering empirical properties of engineering disciplines as well as on industry. The book broadly covers the topics of energies techniques related to Industrial engineering.
Topics of Interest
- Integrated Environmental Educations and Sustainable Development
- Emerging Sustainable waste to energy technologies: A state of Art
- Biomass-derived biochar materials as sustainable energy and their Assessment
- Bioproducts & biorefinery
- CO, capture and Hydrogen technologies
- Ethanol 100: A new approach for the transportation industry in India
- Environmental waste and renewable energy optimization
- Life Cycle assessment of modern energy towards the industry
- Transaction energy storage
- Recycling technologies for composite materials- state-of-the-art
- The future of industrial transportation in sustainable energy systems:
- Opportunities and barriers in an energy transition
- Exploring the association between changing crop types and water Scarcity
- Sustainable Development Goals: Approach for smart waste management and a sustainable circular economy based on Industry 4.0 and 5.0
- Optimization of sustainable modern energy models
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for sustainable energy industry
- (*Topics are not limited)
Submission Guidelines
Please send one page write up (including Chapter title, abstract-max. 250 words and author affiliation) on the mentioned mail. Further instruction regarding full chapter submission will be provided upon acceptance.
Submission Mail: energybookchapter@gmail.com
- Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 September 2024
- Acceptance Notification: 30 September, 2024
- Chapter Submission: 15 November 2024
- Communication of Reviewer Committee: 30 November 2024
- Submission of Revised Chapters: 30 December 2024
Dr. Harish Chandra Joshi, Department of Chemistry, Graphic Era Deemed to be University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
Dr. Anand Chauhan, Department of Mathematics Graphic Era Deemed to be university, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India.
Dr. Mikhail Vlaskin, Joint Institute for High Temperature of the Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia & Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba, Moscow, Russia
Dr. Maulin P. Shah, Deputy General Manager – Industrial Wastewater Research Lab, Division of Applied and Environmental Microbiology Lab at Enviro Technology Ltd., Ankleshwar, Gujarat.