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- Last date for the submission of the book chapter is May 30th 2022
About the Book
Working conditions of agricultural workers, like industrial, are one of the burning issues in a developing region. It is related to agricultural activities of the workers and their socio-economic status. Working conditions may be both favourable and unfavourable. Those working conditions which are unfavourable to health may be considered as occupational hazards or as a part of occupational environment. It is generally observed that a large section of the agricultural workers remains engaged in agricultural practices at the time of hunger, thirst, pregnancy (women) and even despite their unpleasant state of health, both mental and physical. They also continue to work for more than the prescribed standard hours and also having half-fed. These are not positive or favourable working conditions to their health as they normally cause general weakness, fatigue, stomach disorder, dizziness, headache, loss of energy and some other similar physical, mental and psychological problems. The major driving forces behind as such adverse working conditions and its consequences are the pressure of work, pressure of land owners and of timely completion of works, shortage of manpower, psychological attitude, ignorance, weather constraints, poverty, illiteracy, lack of work related health awareness, lower social and economic status, etc. Such forces compel the workers to be engaged in their agricultural practices under the above circumstance. Adverse working
conditions of agricultural workers vary widely with reference to space, time, activities, demographics, society, economy and consequently affect both the mental and physical, social and psychological conditions of the agricultural workers. The people from the S.C. and S.T. categories are the major sufferers as most of them continue their work during different unpleasant and stressful conditions. The majority of working persons belong to lower income strata and most of them work under tiring situation.
- Contribution of farm and non-farm sector in rural economy
- Sustainable rural development and its dimensions
- Land ownership, cropping pattern, land utilization, agriculture production and productivity
- Agriculture transformation and migration
- Agriculture labour problems
- Agriculture development: women’s participation & empowerment
- Agricultural Transformation for employment and growth
- Inequalities in farm sector (socio-economic, gender, geographical etc)
- Climate change and its impact on agriculture
- Issues related to marginalization of agriculture
- Farmer’s distress and cash support schemes and their effectiveness
- Landless agriculture workers: Role of employment guarantee programmes viz MNREGA and others agriculture development Programmes
- Agriculture development in tribal areas.
- NABARD and financial inclusion policies for farmers
- Environmental and ecological aspect of mountain agriculture
- Agriculture distress: Natural disasters, soil erosion, food security
only previously unpublished works will be considered and the paper should be sent to editorbookchapter2021@gmail.com
- The paper should be between 10 to 15 Pages.
- Plagiarism should be below 10%.
- Bibliographical references should be arranged alphabetically and given at the end of the text in the APA format.
- No Publication Charges. E- copy and Certificates will be given
- Your paper should include Title of the paper, Abstract, Author’s Name, Designation, Institutional Affiliation, Mailing Address, Contact Number, E-Mail ID
- The full paper should be in English and typed in MS-Word in Times New Roman
- Up to 3 authors permitted.
- The book will be published during June 2022.
Contact: editorbookchapter2021@gmail.com
Chief Editor,
Dr. Sheela Edward