An International Multilingual Journal for Arts and Humanities ISSN: 2582-8002
Peer Reviewed and Refereed International Journal
- Call for Papers for September 2022 edition
- Last Date to Submit- 15th August 2022
Accepted Languages: Sanskrit, Malayalam, Hindi, Kannada, Telugu, Punjabi, Bengali, Marathi, Assamese, English, Arabic, Bodo and all other Indian Languages
Instructions to the Author’s
- All articles should have an abstract in 150-250 words with Keywords
- The articles in the regional languages should accompany an abstract in English with English title.
- Should submit through the following link only and candidate should have to check their profile in our website for updates and do the needful as soon as possible,
- Minimum Processing fee
Link for submission: Visit Here
Any Query: Whatsapp to 7012941399 Email: editor@universitypublication.in