Call for Papers: National Seminar on 75 Years of Public Policy in India-A Retrospective Analysis

  • When: 24-25 November, 2022
  • Offline Mode

During the last 75 years, India has got a rich experience in terms of making policies and implementation to fulfill the dreams of the builders of modern India, makers of the Constitution and aspirations of the subjects. In this process, the goals and demands of public policy, institutions and players are changed. However, to capture the changes in the policy making in India, there is a constraint of in depth scientific studies and limited literature.
From the survey of limited literature, it is found that there has been a serious effort for policy making in India to address the persisting issues, which are relating to the building of human, social, physical, financial and natural capital. In the making of public policy, the multiple players such as political parties, legislature, bureaucracy, judiciary and Planning Commission/NITI Aayog, businessmen, civil society activists and academicians have been playing a vital role. The multiple institutions such as government, private, autonomous, semi-government and non-governmental
institutions are providing potential inputs for the policy making.

Retrospectively, there has been a shift (a) in the goals of policy making from the socialistic pattern of society to integration with the world capitalist economy in the process of globalization, (b) ideological shift in politics from single party domination to second dominant political party via coalition era, (c) the institution of bureaucracy and technical advisers to autonomous research and academic institutions, (d) in the process of the expansion of space for new institutions, the state, market and civil society have been significant players in the arena of public policy making with a focus upon the economic development, social welfare/ sector and profit making and (e) in recent times, the consultation with citizen/ citizen groups as a part of inclusive governance at the time of the policy making, planning, resource mobilization, implementation, monitoring, conflict resolution, social auditing and transparency is being institutionalized. The consultation process is being intensified with the help of digital technologies.

However, the field based evidences indicating that there have been a conflicts and confrontations for the distribution of resources. Therefore, it is appropriate for the academicians, practicing policy makers, analysts, activists and other concern to address the series of questions with reference to nature and character, changing paradigms, institutions and players, participation of the citizen, flow of resources etc. Under this background, above titled national seminar is proposed with the following objectives.


  • To retrospectively analyze the nature and character of public policy in post- independent India
  • To highlight the institutions and players in making of public policy
  • To highlight the emerging areas of public policy concern
  • To examine the importance of technology in the context of public policy
  • To identify the methodological issues in the study of public policy


  • Theorization of public policy in India
  • Political, social and economic dimensions of the State in India and public policy
  • Indian Constitution and implications for the public policy
  • Contribution of Institutions for policy making: Legislature, Executive and Judiciary
  • The role of academic institutions in the study of Public Policy
  • The major policy initiatives in post–independent India
  • The paradox of politics and public policy
  • The emerging areas of public policy
  • Conflicts and contestation in making of public policy
  • Digital technology in policy making
  • Sectoral policies: Health, Education, Employment, rural development and relevant policies
  • The methodological issues for the study of public policy
  • The Prospects of public policy in India

Important Dates

  • Date of Seminar: 24-25 November, 2022.
  • Last Date for Abstracts: 30 September, 2022.
  • Communication about the selected abstracts: 10 October, 2022.
  • Full Paper submission: 10 November, 2022.
  • Registration Fee: For Faculty: Rs 1000/- , Research Scholars: Rs 750/- and Students: Rs 500/-

Seminar Co-ordinators:

Prof. E. Venkatesu & Dr. D. Veerababu
Department of Political Science/ SSS
University of Hyderabad, Gachibowli
Hyderabad, Telangana-500046

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