- For Volume-V, 2023
- Free Publication
- Last date for submission of manuscripts: 30th June 2023
About the Publication
PDUAMT BUSINESS REVIEW (ISSN: 2582-113X) is an International Annual Peer Reviewed official journal of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya Adarsha Mahavidyalaya (A Government Model Degree College), Tulungia, Bongaigaon, Assam, India.
PDUAMT BUSINESS REVIEW invites the submission of theoretical and empirical manuscripts in the field of Accounting, Finance, Management, Economics and allied subjects.
Manuscript Submission Guidelines
- The first page should mention title of the research paper and author(s) details.
- The title of the paper should be bold-faced, centred and fully capitalised in a 10 point- Century Schoolbook font style.
- Author(s) details should contain name, designation, affiliation, address, mobile number and email address.
- Research paper must be accompanied by a brief abstract. The abstract should elucidate in brief the background, objectives, methodology, findings and conclusion. Abstract including key words must not exceed 300 words.
- An appropriate number of JEL codes should be provided.
- Research paper should be typed in 10 point-Century Schoolbook font style with a single space and single column with 1 margin on a standard A4 size portrait setting paper. The text should be fully justified. The research paper should not exceed 5000 words.
- The titles of the tables and figures must be bold, centred and above the tables and figures. Source(s) must be mentioned below the respective tables and figures.
- The authors should list all references by following APA 7th Edition only. The reference cited in the text must also be written in the reference list and vice versa.
- Before submitting the manuscript, author(s) should check the following list:
- The language of the manuscript is in English.
- The paper has not been previously published or submitted to be published elsewhere.
- The submission of the paper is in Microsoft Word file.
- Author(s) of the research paper should strictly check Plagiarism.
Submit your manuscripts at: editorpduamt@gmail.com
PDUAM Tulungia