Call for Papers: Theme Based on Critical Humanities and Cultural Studies

  • Deadline for Submission of full papers: August 30, 2023

Littscape: A Journal of the Department of Postgraduate Studies in English published by the Research Department of English, Govt. Victoria College (ISSN:2349-414X) is an academic journal that focuses on Critical Humanities and Cultural Studies

In an increasingly disruptive and divisive world that we occupy, nothing seems to hold sense like a story. Storying is an act that humankind has pursued from the beginning of its cultural inceptions through the roads of civilization, in every conceivable language and through every possible media from hieroglyphs to folktales, myths, novels, and cinema up until contemporary social media platforms. Storying and narrative building has been central to the human conception of reality and is crucial to every strand of history. Stories build and break apart realities, dwell in the ambiguous terrains of truth and fiction, create monstrously fake narratives, challenge rooted frames of morality, evoke new conflicts and politics of change, are sometimes systemically censored or hidden and obscured for the resistive struggles that they reveal and help to preserve hope.

In this volume, we try to explore the realms of narrative, plot, techniques and politics of storying across a variety of media categories ranging from oral narratives, cultural tales, myths, literature, cinema and social media. The purpose is to identify ‘the story’ in a telling to locate its socio-political and historical relevance.

About the theme

Invite original unpublished research papers that bring up new integrative frameworks for enquiring stories in the domains such as:

  • Oral Traditions
  • Literature
  • Music
  • Performance Arts
  • Rituals, Scriptures and Religion
  • Cinema
  • Print Media
  • Television and Documentary
  • Philosophy
  • Medical Humanities
  • Science and Technology
  • Digital Media
  • Historical Narratives
  • Cultural artefacts
  • Museums and curated history
  • Legal and Constitutional Archives

Articles should be in MS Word, double-spaced throughout (i.e., including references and quotations). They should not exceed 5,000 words including a brief abstract and keywords. References, quotation marks, etc. should conform to the latest MLA Style.

The complete article along with the author’s details (attached separately as content in the mail) should be sent to:

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