Organizer: Indian Institute of Teacher Education (IITE), a State Public University established under Gujarat Government Act 8/2010
About the Programme
- Registration Cum Submission till 06:00PM on 31st Oct 2022
- No Registration Fee
- Cash Prizes Awarded
- All the participants will receive a Certificate of Participation
- Event Day 10:00AM onwards on 13th Nov 2022.
- Results/Award Ceremony on 20th Nov 2022.
Who can participate?
Pre-service teachers (trainees)/Students pursuing any teacher education course from any recognized educational institution throughout India.
- To enable the participants to comprehend innovative/creative teaching technique.
- To familiarize them with the use of technology-based creative teaching and learning activities in e-learning.
- To encourage them to use a variety of software-based teaching-learning tools.
- To incorporate creative teaching aids to achieve learning objectives.
- To assist learners, particularly those who learn online, to get the most out of their education.
- To encourage the use of educational technology and various tech-based strategies.
- Employing technology to assist in the learning process.
- Preparing pre-service teachers to be more tech-savvy.
- Promoting the design and development of educational technology in pedagogy.
- To foster successful and creative pedagogy in the classroom (online or F2F)
- To incorporate the utilization of innovative instructional aids and technology to attain excellent teaching-learning outcomes.
- To get the most out of students’ online learning.
Theme and Location
- The main theme of the event will be based on Indian Education Day.
- The sub-themes of the event are mentioned below:
- Educational audio-visual aids that are creative/innovative.
- Classrooms on the internet.
- Inextricably linked Education and Technology.
- In-classroom software utilization.
- The event will take place in online mode:
- For participation, individuals will have to download and install Google Meet on their devices. (Preferably laptop or pc)
- [Link for online participation will be provided to shortlisted individuals before the commencement of the event through the WhatsApp group.]
Entry Fees
- NIL (No Entry Fees)
- The interested individuals will have to register themselves through the registration cum submission link that will be active till 06:00PM on 31st Oct 2022.
- The participants will be required to submit their creative lesson plans via registration link itself in pdf or word format only in less than 10MB.
- The selection of the participants will be done in three stages-
- Stage I: Participants will be selected based on theoretical aspect in which complete lesson plans having all the crucial components will qualify.
- Stage II: A selection committee of five experts (PhD Scholars) will evaluate the lesson plans based on the creativeness using the rubric (Theoretical) and shortlist the participants for stage III.
- Stage III: Shortlisted participants will have to present their creative pedagogy in online mode and a bench of three external judges will evaluate them based on the rubric (Practical).
- The shortlisted individuals for presentation will be added to the WhatsApp group created where all the related information will be conveyed.
- A demo cum practice session will be organised for the participants to get familiar with the platform for online participation a day before the event on 12 Nov 2022 at 06:00PM.
- The Creative Peda-Practice Event will commence on 13 Nov 2022, 10:00AM onwards.
- Selected participants will have 15-20 minutes to showcase their skills. Judges will have 5 minutes to ask or suggest participants after their presentation.
- The results of the competition will be conveyed in the ceremony a week after the event in Digital Mode on 20 Nov 2022. Link for the meet will be provided through IITE Social Handles.
- The distribution of certificates and prize money will be done through online modes of transaction within a week after the ceremony.
Register Here
Competition Level
- College, Institution, University, and Above (Pre-Service Teachers).
Event Perks
- The focus of this event is to provide individuals with the opportunity to encourage learning and explore more about various technology-based pedagogies in classrooms.
- The participants will get exposure to showcase their skills and creativity in the related field of practice.
- The participants who secure 1st, 2nd, and 3rd positions will be awarded a Certificate of Appreciation and Prize Money.
- 1st: ₹10,000/-
- 2nd: ₹7500/-
- 3rd: ₹5000/-
- All the participants will receive a Certificate of Participation.
Judge Panel
- Prominent education professionals from schools/ institutes/ universities and organizations. These are Principals of schools, National Awardees in Teaching, Professors/ Associate Professors, Experts in IT disciplines, and Teacher Educators.
Other Details
- The language for instructions should be below only, lesson plan sent in other languages will lead to disqualification of the participant.
- English
- Hindi
- Gujarati
- If the participant is a pre-service teacher, they shall upload their last ID card of the teacher education programme.
- In case of shared positions of winners, an additional screening/selection round will be done among the position holders.
- Pre-service teachers and students pursuing any teacher education course are invited to submit entries demonstrating their technology-assisted competence in teaching-learning.
- Participants would be expected to create and implement creative technology-enabled pedagogies in the classroom. They must submit and deliver one lesson in online mode, and adhere to the following rules/guidelines below:
- The rationale or background of the area of teaching should be provided in MS Word format, with the following information: name, technological input utilized, objective, implication, significance, and novel component. (Why should your teaching style be considered creative?)
- The objectives and learning outcomes of the lesson plan must be clearly articulated.
- The participant is exclusively responsible for the preparation and presentation of Pedagogy.
- Each participant will be given 15-20 minutes to showcase their work.
- The lesson plan should be on any one of the given teaching pedagogies from class 6th to 12th of the following subjects:
- English
- Hindi
- Social Science
- Mathematics
- Science
- Submission of the lesson plan is mandatory. While submitting the plan via email kindly fill in the details: Participants name, subject, affiliation.
- The deadline for submission of the lesson plan is 31st Oct 2022.
- The format of the lesson plan should be word or pdf.
- A panel of judges will evaluate several technical and soft skills involved in teaching.
- Judges will have five minutes after the presentation to ask questions and finalize their rubric.
- All submissions that satisfy the above-mentioned guidelines will be evaluated and assessed accordingly.
- For each participant, the judges will prepare a Judge’s Rubric.
- The quality, originality, and ingenuity of the submissions, as well as the extent of originality, will be used to determine the winners.
- The judge’s discretion will be final.
Rubrics for Evaluation
The following parameters will be used to evaluate the presentations: The accompanying rubrics will be used by the judges to evaluate and score the presentations. Each aspect will be given a maximum of 3 points if it is Excellent, 2 points if it is Proficient, and 1 point if it is Basic.
Based on the above rubrics, an entry having maximum scoring as Excellent will be considered the most creative.
Register Here
Dr. Harshad Patel Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, IITE Gandhinagar
Dr. Sudhir Tandel | Associate Professor | CoE, IITE Gandhinagar
Event Coordinator
Vaibhav Verma | PG Student | CoE, IITE Gandhinagar
Core Team
- Vaibhav Verma | | 8851556175
- Jatin Kalvani | | 7016846389
- Prachi Prajapati | | 9316258687
Selection Committee
- Anshuman Tiwari | PhD Scholar | CoE, IITE Gandhinagar
- Tarun Kuvad | PhD Scholar | CoE, IITE Gandhinagar
- Ayush Gandhi | PhD Scholar | CoE, IITE Gandhinagar
- Charmy Panchal | PhD Scholar | CoE, IITE Gandhinagar
- Zeal Patel | PhD Scholar | CoE, IITE Gandhinagar
- Supriya Ranjan | | 7277524862
- Shashank Rao | | 9480338587
- Priyanka Dubey | | 8982256296
- Prasad Prabhu | | 7666105044
About the Institution
Indian Institute of Teacher Education (IITE), a State Public University established under Gujarat Government Act 8/2010, is the University dedicated to Teacher Education. It is only of its kind University in India and in South Asian countries. IITE’s Vision is to create teachers of tomorrow with the transformative knowledge of Indian tradition and usher in a new era of teacher education, focusing upon the integral development of teachers. And it’s Mission is to provide integrated courses in teacher education, marked and defined by value-education, global outlook, and interdisciplinary. The University has the objective of preparing teachers with professional acumen to serve the humanity in general and society in particular.
The University has been offering programmes like B.Sc.-B.Ed., B.A.-B.Ed., B.Ed., B.Ed.-M.Ed., M.Sc./M.A-.M.Ed., M.Ed., and Ph.D. programmes. These UG & PG courses are structured to cater the needs of Teacher Education from Upper Primary and Secondary Schools to Higher Education Institutions, where the subjects are general in nature and students have to learn basic and fundamental concepts. The core elements of the courses are based on primary concerns of teacher education and subjects within.
“Great teachers will not be replaced by technology, but technology in the hands of great teachers may transform.” In almost every aspect of life, the twenty-first century has seen the emergence of numerous innovations and creative methodologies. Today’s teachers must be acquainted with ICT and how it can be used in the classroom. They should be able to successfully integrate the appropriate type of ICT into their discipline while developing sessions and offering learning opportunities. The adopted technology resources should enrich teachers’ knowledge while also facilitating learners in developing their knowledge. Creativity is an attitude, a method of thinking about the potential that extends beyond the existing. In the teaching-learning process, creativity refers to novel and effective ways of teaching pupils to ensure that their learning is long-lasting.
Center of Education, IITE presents a national level competition for showcasing creative pedagogies in digital classrooms and invites students of any teacher education programme for participation.
Contributed by: Kartik Shukla
Assistant Teacher, N. K. High School
Anand, Gujarat