Prof. Sonal Singh is a well-known name in the Indian LIS Fraternity. She has put in 43 years of dedicated service in this field. Wherever she worked she put her heart and soul for the development of the organisation. She started her career as librarian of Kendriya Vidyalaya, Ujjain in
1981 and then joined Vikram University in 1988 as the first lady lecturer of LIS. She took over the charge of Head of the Department in 1998 and strived hard to establish the department and nurture it to attain its present status of a well-known LIS Department of India. Professor Sonal Singh is the recognised research supervisor. Twenty-Three candidates have been awarded Doctorate Degree under her supervision.
Her 15 books have been published so far. She has contributed more than 170 articles in various journals of repute, conference proceedings, edited books and newspapers. She is a Course Writer for many open universities. She is a member of Expert Committee at NCERT to develop a training manual for SCERT/SIET/DIET and School librarians. She has also translated SOUL software manual in Hindi.
Prof. Sonal Singh was honoured with many awards and recognitions, like “Professor Sushila Motiwale Best LIS Teacher Award”, “Manisha Award”, “Distinguished Leadership Award”, “Life Time Achievement Award”, “Award of Honor”, “Indian Library pride Award”, “Best
Women Teacher Award”, and “Life Time Achievement Award”.
Prof. Sonal Singh has also started a yearly award “MPLA Smt. Kamla Shrivastava Best LIS student of the Year Award” to be given by Madhya Pradesh Library Association in the name of her mother “Smt Kamla Shrivastava” who served as Librarian at Government College, Madhya Pradesh, and was the student of first batch of Library Science at Vikram University where Dr S.R. Ranganathan was her teacher.
In this context, as a token of honor for her Four decades of dedicated service to librarianship, society and teaching with excellence, it is proposed to release a festschrift on the theme “Leading the Information Revolution: The Role of LIS in a connected World” with the following sub-themes.
Part I- About Professor Sonal Singh
Profile and a journey in Retrospect
Experiences with Dr Sonal Singh as a student, researcher, colleague, friend, family member.
- Changing concepts of LIS Library / Knowledge management
- Innovative Library Services
- Emerging Technologies in LIS
- Role of Library in Information Society
- Web as a Global Library
- Technology Trends in Library
- Digital Resource management
- Mobile Technologies in LIS
- Cloud Technologies
- Role of Social Media in LIS
- Information Literacy
- Metric-Studies
- Security and Surveillance in LIS
- Library Transformation: e-library, Digital Library, Virtual
- Library, Hybrid Library
- Artificial Intelligence in LIS
- Open access resources
- Gamification/AR/VR
- Internet of Things
- User Engagement
- Big data and Data Visualization
- Green libraries
- Digital Transformation
- LIS Education and Research
- National Education Policy
- Ranking of Universities and role of Libraries
- Any other topic related to LIS Education / Librarianship
- Part II- Contributed Papers
Therefore, you are cordially invited to be a part of this Festschrift volume and contribute a chapter/Article/ Message.
Please write your Name and Designation, complete address, e-mail including mobile number while sending the paper.
The paper should be sent on or before 10.07.2024 by e-mail to sonalsinghfest@gmail.com
Prof. B. Ramesh Babu
Prof. M. Madhusudan
Prof. K. Veeranjaneyulu
Dr. G. Rathinasabapathy
Prof. Shalini R Lihitkar
Dr. Vilas Nimbhorkar
Dr D.D. Lal