Organizer: The Centre for Sustainability & Energy Transition (C-SET), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Murugappa Polytechnic College, Chennai in Partnership with PLUSS Advanced Technologies, Gurugram.
About the FDP
- When: 27.01.2025 to 31.01.2025 through online mode
- Registration is free and is mandatory for attending the FDP
- All participants to receive E-certificates
Eligibility: Faculty members of Engineering and Polytechnic Colleges, Research Scholars, and other faculties Interested in the FDP theme can register to attend the FDP
For Registration Details: Visit Here
Dr. K.S.Sekar,
HOD (i/c),
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Murugappa Polytechnic College,
Sathyamurthy Nagar,
Chennai – 600062. Tamil Nadu.
Email: hodmech.mpc@gmail.com