Organizer: Department of Civil Engineering, Presidency University, Bangalore in association with Karnataka Science and Technology Academy (KSTA), Bangalore
About the Training
- When: 12th to 16th September, 2022
- Free Registration
- Meeting Platform: Microsoft Teams
- Limited Seats: Seats will be filled on First come First serve basis
- E-Certificate will be issued to all active participants
Participants will get to interact with eminent resource persons and equip themselves with a better understanding about the basics of self-sustaining dwelling as well as its applications.
This program is designed to make the participants to understand about the four components of self-sustaining dwellings, like Rain water harvesting, Reuse of Grey water, converting biodegradable matter and food left over as manure in composting pits and lastly the solar power generation by installing solar roof top systems.
Register Here
- Time: From 09:30AM onwards on the inaugural day and From 10:00AM onwards on all other days