Organizer: Entrepreneurial Development Cell, Saradha Gangadharan College, (Recognized by UGC u/s 2(f) of the UGC Act 1956, as a PG Institution) (Accredited by NAAC) (Affiliated to Pondicherry University), Lake Road, Velrampet, Puducherry – 4.
About the Quiz
- Quiz Date: 28 th to 30 th May 2022
- E Certificate will be provided for high scoring participants
Participate Here
Dr. S. Pazhaniraja
Vice-Chairman, SGC
Dr. K. Uthayasuriyan
Principal, SGC
Organizing Committee
Dr. S. Sankar
EDC – Chairman, SGC
Mrs. S. Nithiya
Coordinator, SGC
Dr. S. Jayakumar,
Coordinator, SGC
For any queries:
Contact: 8754027739
Good job