Free Training Programme on Use of Indigenous Knowledge System for Rural/Tribal Development

Organizer: Centre for Equity and Social Development, National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj, (Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India) Rajendranagar, Hyderabad- 500030

About the Training

  • When: December 10th to 12th 2024
  • Mode: Offline Only
  • Venue: National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NIRD&PR) Hyderabad
  • Course Fee: No course fee
  • Certificate provided
  • Food and accommodation will be provided to the participants in NIRDPR campus free of cost
  • Participants have to cover their own travel expenses

Participants: The expected group of participants will be officials and functionaries of departments such as Rural and Tribal Development and Tribal Research Institutes, Officers of Integrated Tribal Development Projects/Agencies, Officers of State Institutes of Rural Development, Rural Development and Panchayati Raj department and Faculties from regional institute of Rural development and Extension Training Centers. Faculties from universities and NGOs along with research scholars dealing with Rural Development issues.

Training Methods: It includes lectures, case studies, discussions and group discussions and issue based problem solving State specific presentations, filed based experience sharing, hands on exercise, audio-visual presentations etc

Objectives: The course aims to equip the participants:

  • To aware about the concept of IKS and its uses in rural and tribal development context.
  • To analyse underlying issues of IKS in the context of social development.
  • To upgrade skills in conservation and documentation of IKS
  • To obtain knowledge on the effect of IKS on rural and tribal development policy issues.
  • To find out various IKS case studies and success stories.


  • IKS and its role in Rural/tribal Development: Concept and Approaches
  • Prevalence of IKS in Rural / tribal social, cultural and economic struct
  • Indigenous knowledge and appropriate technology
  • Institutionalizing IKS for appropriate technology development
  • Approach to the integration of indigenous knowledge into the development paradigm
  • Preservation of IKS at community level
  • Documentation of success stories and cases of indigenous knowledge
  • Poverty and IKS
  • Inclusion of IKS in rural/tribal development programmes

Click Here to Register

It’s expected that participants are requested to reach at the venue before 9 am of 10th December or night of 9th December; and may leave after 5.30 pm of 12th December or anytime on 13th December 2024. Staying extra days after 13th December 2024 would be charged on payment basis, as per NIRDPR rules.

Course Director
Dr. Satya Ranjan Mahakul,
Assistant Professor, Centre for Equity and Social Development (CESD)
National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NIRD&PR) Hyderabad, Rajendranagar- 500030, Telangana Email ID: / Ph: 7486894419 (whats aap)

Details of Training Session

The use of IK has been as an alternative way of promoting development in poor rural and tribal communities in many parts of the world. Nowadays, the formal knowledge transmitted through educational institutions to the community is particularly supported by the government. However, efforts to develop local skills and knowledge have been neglected, while in rural/tribal communities, such knowledge has a higher degree of value and cultural originality than formal knowledge. Therefore, by understanding the importance of experience and highly valuable and tacit knowledge of the villagers, in dealing with unfamiliar problems, a basis for decision-makings in order to achieve sustainable economic development could be useful as a supplement to formal knowledge. Then, through the synergy created, we can contribute to improving the quality level of policies effectiveness and the villagers ‘welfare’. This knowledge system can be functional as a powerful tool through training and applied research in rural/tribal development. This knowledge systems are based in communities at the very grass roots level; this knowledge provides the critical socio-cultural capital that is essential for communities to not only survive but also to go beyond and flourish within the given contexts of that community’s geography, environment, culture and economy. At the same time, IKS is not static—it changes as is required and in response to the various situations that a community faces, including environmental, social, public health and safety.

In this changing situation it is essential to preserve indigenous knowledge, as indigenous communities around the world face ongoing threats to the survival of their traditional languages and cultures. Although libraries have not traditionally focused on this area, libraries and information professionals can play an important role in assisting indigenous communities with the management and preservation of traditional knowledge through providing resources and expertise in collection, organization, storage and retrieval. Indigenous knowledge, however, differs greatly from Western knowledge and so it must be managed in unique and sensitive ways that may challenge conventional knowledge management tools and processes, as well as prevalent assumptions about knowledge and information. Indeed, information professionals should work with indigenous communities to develop unique solutions that meet local needs. In view of above context, this training programme would help the participants to understand the importance of IKS and its status in various schemes of rural/tribal development programmes. Training administrators, as well as educational curriculum and program developers have to adopt a new vision, which elevates indigenous knowledge to a position and level where it becomes part of the knowledge resource base available to the field. Building an effective interface between modern technology and indigenous knowledge will substantively enhance capacity building of development professionals. The overall aim of the course is to enhance the understanding of the concepts of rural development, role of indigenous knowledge in tribal and rural development, participatory development and experiencing the success stories, cases from the field

About NTDR &PR

The National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NIRD&PR), an autonomous organisation under the Union Ministry of Rural Development, is a premier national centre of excellence in rural development and Panchayati Raj. Recognized internationally as one of the UN-ESCAP Centres of Excellence, it builds capacities of rural development functionaries, elected representatives of PRIs, bankers, NGOs and other stakeholders through inter-related activities of training, research and consultancy. The Institute is located in the historic city of Hyderabad in Telangana state. The NIRD&PR celebrated its Golden Jubilee Year of establishment in 2008. In addition to the main campus at Hyderabad, this Institute has North-Eastern Regional Centre at Guwahati, Assam to meet the NE-regional needs. Website:

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