- This programme is equivalent to a one-week FDP/STP for regularization/CAS.
Organizer: MMTTC, Shri Ram College of Commerce, University of Delhi
About the Programme
- 8th NEP Programme: Online, July 16-26, 2024, 4:15 PM to 7:30 PM.
- 9th NEP Programme: Online, August 5-14, 2024, 4:15 PM to 7:30 PM
- Free Registration
- Online Assessment and Certificate
- Limited seats available
- Open for faculty members, Contractual/Ad-hoc/Guest faculty, and Research Scholars & Research Associates (Ph.D. or post-doctoral level)
- Sensitization on NEP 2020 for holistic education and ethics
- Online certificate will be issued to the attendees who will participate and qualify
Registration Process
- Register at MMC-UGC Portal
- Login as ‘Participant’ with your registered email
- Select “Apply for NEP Theme Training” and choose “Shri Ram College of Commerce”
- The Participants are Required to Upload Nomination Letter and Identity Card while applying on MMTTC Portal
Visit Here to Register
Click Here to Login
Draft Format of Nomination Letter is given below :
“I am pleased to nominate Mr./Ms. [Nominee’s Name] to attend the online teachers training program titled ‘NEP Training and Sensitization Program,’ organized by MMTTC, SRCC. The sessions of this program are scheduled after lunch hours, and no leave will be granted for attending this program.
I kindly request you to consider this nomination. I sincerely believe that participating in this program will greatly benefit the professional development of the participant and contribute to our institution’s commitment to effectively implementing the NEP 2020. ”
DIRECTOR: DR. ALOK KUMAR, coordinator.mmttc@srcc.du.ac.in