Organizer: Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Shrivastava, I-STEM, Dr. SA Shivashankar, CeNSE I-STEM and MathWorks Team
About the Session
- When: March 28, 2022 at 11 Hrs (IST)
- Free Session- Open to All
- The participants registered for the Program will be given certificate of e-participation
- Platform: WebEx and YouTube
The I-STEM MathWorks Platform will be launched by the Honourable Chief Guest Padma Vibhushan Dr. R Chidambaram, Ex. Principal Scientific Adviser, GoI and the Board of Governor, IIT Delhi on Mar 28, 2022.
Distinguished Speakers:
Dr. R Chidambaram, Ex. Principal Scientific Adviser, GoI & the Board of Governor, IIT Delhi (Chief Guest)
Dr. Dinkar Kanjilal, Former Director, IUAC, Delhi & the Chairman, PRMC, I-STEM, (Guest of Honour)
Mr. Sunil Motwani, the Country Head- Sales and Services MathWorks India, Addressed to the USERS of MATLAB
Dr. Rudra Pratap, the Vice Chancellor, Plaksha University, Punjab: Technical Talk on Basic of MATLAB
Dr. Spandhana Gonuguntla, Education Technical Evangelist , MathWorks Pvt. Ltd. (India Office)
Dr. Shubo Chakrabarti Science Gateway Strategist, MathWorks Pvt. Ltd.
WebEx Meeting Link: Join Here
Register at the I-STEM Portal: Click Here
Contact– 8277566371