National Disaster Management Authority Internship Scheme 2023 is an opportunity offered by the National Disaster Management Authority, Government of India to students enrolled in postgraduate degree in Disaster Management courses and equivalent.
About the Internship
- Prizes & Rewards: A monthly remuneration of INR 12,000
- Last Date to Apply: Round The Year
- Application mode: Online applications only
Open for candidates who are enrolled in a postgraduate degree programme in Disaster Management or in an equivalent postgraduate degree program such as Development Studies/Economics/Humanities/Sciences/Management/Engineering/Health Studies etc. The applicants must have recently graduated from a university in the concerned subject (Note: If the student pursues a different academic discipline, there should be a clear linkage of that particular degree with disaster management).
Good Morning Ms keitumetse Mohoje, 3rd year risk management disaster (degree) from Stenden South Africa. I need opportunity for 2024 internship. I wish to be one of your team,may you please update more.