Organizer: Seva Sadan’s College of Education – Celebrating 75 th year of India’s Independence Azaadi ka Amrit Mahotsav
About the Competition
- The essay can be written in English, Hindi or Marathi language.
- The essay can be handwritten or typed. Handwritten essays will have to be scanned with proper clarity and submitted.
- Essay should not exceed 350 words
- The first page of the essay should bear the name of the candidate, age, institute, city and state .
- The second page will include title, content and the name of the candidate only.
- The content must be submitted in pdf format only
- Winners will be awarded prizes.
- Age limit -15 to20 years
- Last date of submission -5th May,2022
Topics for Essay Writing
1) Women in Politics
2) Women as an Entrepreneur
3) Women as an educationist
4) Women as a social activist.Important guidelines for the essay competition
Send the essay to sevaessay456@gmail.com
● Judges decision will be final
● Non adhering to the above mentioned rules will lead to disqualification
Principal Dr Beena S Khemchandani
Dr Rukmini Jamdar-9869695697
Dr Mary Varghese – 9892275819