Organizer: Inequality and Human Development (IHD) Programme – National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), Bengaluru
About the Conference
The focus of this conference is on the instrumentality of inequality, or what inequality does. Sessions address on specific instrumentalities of inequality, while Roundtables (by invited participants) deliberate on the responses to inequality. Plenary talks will also be delivered by invited speakers
- When: 20–22 June 2022
- Venue: at the National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), Bengaluru
Specific sessions for which papers are sought are:
- Instrumentalities of inequality: On the need to understand what inequality does, and on recognising inequality as a prompt in social dynamics.
- Gender and Inequality: On the engagement between gender and inequality.
- Migration as a response to regional inequality: On migration as a response to interregional and associated inequalities.
- Consequences of horizontal and vertical inequalities: Exploring both horizontal and vertical inequalities, and their relationship with conflict.
- Influence of the inequalities of science: Examining both the conceptions of knowledge, knowers, and justification in the practice of Indian science, as well as the effects of this practice on the Indian economy, society and polity.
- Climate change and inequality: Explicating on the interaction between socioeconomic inequality and anthropogenic processes in the environment
- Applicants must send in an abstract of 250 words by 5 April 2022 to niasdn22@nias.res.in
- Selected presenters will be offered boarding and accommodation
Please also write to the above email address if
- You are a postgraduate student or an MPhil/PhD scholar who would like to attend (only accommodation provided)
- If you wish to attend sessions/plenaries/roundtables without contributing papers
- For any other enquiries about the conference