Organizer: Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chandigarh University, Punjab
About the FDP
- When: 31.01.2022 to 05.02.2022
- Free Registration
- To support faculty, to enhance their knowledge in the domain of Research.
- To acquainting the faculty and research scholars to familiarize with the research essentials and recent trends in the domain of computer science.
- To understand research ethics to invent and promote research interests.
- To learn the tips and tools to dive in the depth of Research.
- To support faculty and researchers to expertise in research domain and qualitatively contribute for supporting research activities.
- To gain up to date knowledge of current research possibilities.
- To understand the ethics of research, patents, etc. and support researchers by making them aware of various tools and techniques used in research domain
SPEAKERS FOR FDP: Speakers from eminent Government organization, National and International Academic Institutions, And Industries
will be delivering talk on the thrust area.
One week FDP starts on 31st January 2022, and ends on 5th February
- The programme will be conducted on MS-Teams. The detailed schedule & the link to join the programme will be shared with participants post registration Via E-Mail.
I am eager to join