About the Event
- Students of all recognized colleges/universities of India are eligible to participate in NICE 23.
- Eligible students may Register for the contest on www.crypticsingh.com Those students who had registered for NICE 22 and are still studying, don’t need to register afresh. While their username would remain the same, they would be allotted fresh password for 2023.
- Username and password will appear on the screen after successful registration and will be sent via email. The log-in credentials sent may be used for all the online rounds.
- Colleges/universities with over 100 registrants for NICE 23 till 31st March, 2023 will get a ‘NICE Roll of Honour’ certificate, 10 crossword books from the organisers.
- The institutions with the highest registrations, as on 31st March 2023, in each of the five zones will receive a ‘NICE Institution’ plaque, a certificate and 100 crossword books.
Online Rounds
- There would be one online Practice Round to familiarize the students with the types of the questions/clues and the pattern of the contest.
- After the Practice Round, there would be four competitive online rounds, christened as N, I, C, E Rounds, respectively.
- The rounds will involve solving five special crossword clues with supplementary hints, which will be posted at 1030 Hours IST on every Sunday on nice.crypticsingh.com under the head or android app NICE-22.
- The solutions will have to be submitted by 1700 Hours IST on the same day.
- Every Round will have two sets of winners, viz., G-20 Summit Winners and NICE Lucky Winners. NICE G-20 Summit Winners would be decided on the basis of the points won by students on the basis of speed and accuracy. The person with the fastest all correct solutions will be awarded 1000 points. The scores will move in a descending order based on the time taken and correctness of the solutions.
- There would be National and Zonal NICE G-20 Summit Leaderboard for each of the Online Rounds and they shall be posted on www.nice.crypticsingh.com. A cumulative total score of all the persons for the Online Rounds will be used for the Final Leaderboard after the completion of the Online Rounds.
- The national winner of any of the Online Rounds will automatically qualify for the National Finals. The zonal winner of any of the Online Rounds, will automatically qualify for the Zonal Finals. The top 3 national and zonal position holders, in each of the rounds will receive the NICE G-20 Summit Star certificates and plaques.
- Every Online Round will have NICE Lucky Winners from the Top 250 institutions participating in the contest. Only those institutions, which have at least 25 participants, would be eligible for the NICE Lucky prizes. These winners, dubbed as N, I, C, E winners, would be given NICE Sporting Spirit certificates and gift hampers by the organisers.
Zonal Rounds
The top two performers from each institution will constitute two-member teams that will represent them in the next level of the championship. They will consist of two rounds for each zone. In the preliminary written round, a maximum of 50 teams from the participating institutions belonging to the zone will compete at a designated host institution. Top six performing teams will compete in the on-stage round (Zonal Finals). There would be five zones, viz., North, South, West, East and Northeast. The Zonal Finals will be held offline. The top three teams would qualify from each Zone for the National Finals to be held in Delhi in July-August. The organizers may give wild card entries to some comparable teams, for the purpose of symmetry in the Grand Finale.
National Round
The final round will begin with a Written Prelims and an On-stageG-20 Round where all the qualifying teams will participate. The quarter-finalists would be selected on the basis of the scores of the Written round and the On-stage G-20 round. The Quarter Final, Semi-Final and the Final would be held subsequently.
The National Round would be designed to make it telecast-compatible.