Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) in partnership with Global Development Network (GDN) welcomes applications from research teams based in India to act as Doing Research (DR) national coordinators interested in leading Doing Research Assessments (DRA) in India.
Details of the Programme
- The application deadline is July 19, 2024
ICSSR welcomes applications from research teams interested in leading a Doing Research Assessments (DRA) in India starting in October 2024. The implementation will be done with the financial support of ICSSR in partnership with Global Development Network (GDN).
The DRA is expected to be completed by late 2025, and the results will be featured at the biennial Association of Asian Social Science Research Councils (AASSREC) conference. A grant of up to 45 Lakhs is set to implement a DRA in India of 15 months, with technical support and advice from GON’s global Doing Research team. Research teams must apply through a research institute or center. Application documents must be written in English.
Visit Here to Apply
Contact: Daniel Fussy at dfussy@gdn.int copying doingresearch@gdn.int