- Last date for online submission : 29/08/2022
- Last date for receiving form along with relevant documents : 07/09/2022
Sanchi University of Buddhist-Indic Studies invites applications for various academic positions in the University on direct recruitment basis. A number of faculty positions for Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor (Selection Grade, Senior Grade & Junior Grade) & Librarian are available in various schools / Centres of the University. The University is seeking highly qualified, dedicated, academically productive &research oriented faculty who have strong commitment towards innovative teaching and highly quality research with a keen insight towards knowledge creation in the following subjects / disciplines. The category – wise details of advertised posts (Reservation for M.P. (India) Domicile Candidates only) are as under :
Post Code | Name of the Post | No. of Post | Reservation |
PRCAT Comparative | Ancient Text | 1 | OBC |
PRSLL | Sanskrit Language & Literature | 1 | UR |
PRDE | Design | 1 | UR |
PRECO | Economics | 1 | UR |
PRET | English Literature | 1 | UR |
PRGER | German | 1 | UR |
PRHBS | Himalyan Buddhist Studies | 1 | OBC |
PRHL | Hindi Literature | 1 | SC |
PRIP | Indian Painting | 1 | UR |
PRLS | Library Sciences | 1 | UR |
PRLIN | Linguistics | 1 | UR |
PRPA | Pali | 1 | UR |
PRPS | Peace Studies | 1 | UR |
PRPHIL | Philosophy | 1 | UR |
PRYS | Yoga Studies | 1 | OBC |
Associate Professor (Pay Matrix Academic Level -13A of 7th CPC
Post Code | Name of the Post | No. of Post | Reservation |
ASOAA | Applied Arts | 1 | OBC |
ASOCS | Computer Science | 1 | UR |
ASOFRE | French | 1 | SC |
ASOPRA | Prakrit | 1 | PH-HH ST |
ASOSR | Studies of Religion | 1 | SC |
ASOHTLS | Hindi Technical Language Studies | 1 | OBC |
ASOJMC | Journalism & Mass Communication | 1 | ST |
ASOYS | Yoga Studies | 1 | ST |
Assistant Professor(Pay Matrix Academic Level -10 of 7th CPC)
Post Code | Name of the Post | No. of Post | Reservation |
ASIANT | Anthropology | 1 | SC |
ASIAA | Applied Arts | 1 | UR |
ASIARC | Archeology | 1 | UR |
ASIAH | Art History | 1 | ST |
ASIBP | Buddhist Practices | 1 | ST |
ASICAT | Comparative Ancient Text | 1 | UR |
ASICS | Computer Science | 1 | SC |
ASIDE | Design | 1 | SC |
ASIDM | Diaspora and Migration | 1 | OBC |
ASIELT | English Language Teaching | 1 | UR |
ASIETS | English Translation Studies | 1 | ST |
ASIFCS | Film & Culture Studies | 1 | UR |
ASIHM | Heritage Management | 1 | UR |
ASIHIS | Himalyan Indic Studies | 1 | UR |
ASIHTLS | Hindi Technical Language Studies | 1 | UR |
ASIHVK | Hindi Vishwa Kosh | 1 | UR |
ASIHIS | History | 1 | UR |
ASIICD | Indian Classical Dance | 1 | UR |
ASIICM | Indian Classical Music | 1 | PH-VH SC |
ASIIP | Indian Painting | 1 | OBC |
ASIIST | Indic Scientific Texts | 1 | UR |
ASIIND | Indology | 1 | SC |
ASISPA | Spanish | 1 | UR |
ASIJAP | Japanese | 1 | ST |
ASIJMC | Journalism & Mass Communication | 1 | UR |
ASIJS | Jyotish Studies | 1 | OBC |
ASILS | Library Science | 1 | UR |
ASILIN | Linguistics | 1 | ST |
ASIMAN | Manuscriptology | 1 | UR |
ASIMU | Museology | 1 | OBC |
ASIPAL | Pali | 1 | SC |
ASIPES | Peace Studies | 1 | OBC |
ASIPOLS | Political Science | 1 | EWS |
ASIPRA | Prakrit | 1 | ST |
ASIPSY | Psychology | 1 | OBC |
ASICS | Computational Sanskrit | 1 | ST |
ASISOC | Sociology | 1 | EWS |
ASISABS | South Asian Buddhist Studies | 1 | UR |
ASISR | Studies of Religion | 1 | PH-OH |
ASIVSS | Vastu Shastra Studies | 1 | UR |
As per rules, the benefits of reservations shown in the column 6 of the table shall only be given to the candidates having the domicile of M.P. (India). It is essential for candiate to provide the valid certificate proving the domicile of M.P. issued by the competent authority
along with Caste Certificate / Disability certificates (if applicable).
Candidates who are physically challenged will be given the benefits of reservation in case the type & percentage of their handicap is certified by a competent authority & is more than the minimum decided criteria. One-third of the posts from each category i.e. UR, SC, ST & OBC are reserved for female candidates.
2. Educational Qualifications / Experience and other criteria : The post-wise details of all necessary educational qualifications / experience for selection on the aforementioned posts are provided in Annexure-1.
Mandatory Qualification: As per UGC Regulations 2018together with all amendment stherein from time to time. For the Disciplines of Arts, Commerce, Humanities, Education, Law, Social Sciences, Sciences, Languages, Library Science, Physical Education, and Journalism & Mass Communication