About the Competition
Post the selfies/groupfies/videos along with the recipe of your special tea on your Facebook timeline, the Facebook timeline of Tea Board India and tag Tea Board India as well as 10 of your Facebook friends
- Last date for this competition has been extended to 20th June, 2022
- In order to be eligible for this contest, participants should have attained the age of at least 18 years as on May 2022.
- A particular contestant may send in a maximum of 5 (five) entries only.
- Three best entries will win cash prizes from Tea Board India: First Prize – Rs. 25,000/-, Second Prize – Rs. 20,000/-, Third Prize – Rs. 15,000/- and the money will be sent through bank transfer
Terms & Conditions
Tea Board India presents „My Special Cup of India Tea Contest‟ where we invite participants to send in selfies/groupfies/ videos of them making/enjoying/having their most favourite type of India Tea – kadak chai, green, black, white, oolong, with milk, without milk, with spices, with lemon, iced, with ginger, cardamom, clove, jaggery, honey, mint, fruit juices etc. along with the recipe of their special tea in brief. Please note that the recipe must have tea (Camellia sinensis) as the main ingredient and the tea used should only be Indian tea. In order to participate, users are requested to post selfies/groupfies/videos of them making/enjoying/having their most favourite type of India Tea along with the recipe on their Facebook timeline, the Facebook timeline of Tea Board India and tag Tea Board India as well as 10 of their Facebook friends.
How to participate in the contest?
Like and follow Tea Board India‟s Facebook page: Visit Here
It would be mandatory for the participants to „like‟ and „follow‟ the page to be eligible for this contest and also will be required to tag at least 10 of his/her Facebook friends.
Post the selfie/groupfie/video on your Facebook timeline as well as Tea Board India‟s Facebook timeline and tag @TeaBoardIndia, use #MySpecialCupOfIndiaTea #InternationalTeaDay #TeaDay #IndiaTea #IndiaTeaAndMe #IndianTeaLove. Share the recipe of the tea shown in your selfie/groupfie/video. Make sure that the Privacy Setting for the post is “Public”
The winners will have to provide their bank account details/IFSC code for transfer of the prize money through NEFT/RTGS/PFMS. No requests for transferring the prize money through PayTM/Google Pay/BHIM/PhonePe or
any other UPI payment system will be entertained. The final declaration of the winners will be done only after our panel of judges evaluates the original high resolution versions of the selfies/groupfies/videos and the recipes sent by the contestants.
- The selfie/groupfie/video, background music, if any and the recipes should be original and created by the contestants themselves, i.e. it should not be plagiarized, copied or downloaded from anywhere.
- Tea Board India‟s decisions regarding this contest will be final and binding
- No further correspondence or appeals in this regard will be entertained. Tea Board India reserves the right to the final and ultimate interpretation of this contest
- Tea Board India reserves the right to reject any contestant at its sole and absolute discretion, without having to assign any reasons whatsoever.
- The prize winners will have to share the following declaration with Tea Board India: “I do hereby undertake, that the selfie/groupfie/ video has been shot by me and the recipe of the tea has been created by me – (name of the contestant), a resident of (full residential address of the contestant) and has not been plagiarized, copied/downloaded from anywhere. Neither the selfie/groupfie/video, concept, background music, recipe, nor any part of the video has been copied/ plagiarized/downloaded from any other source.”
- The cash prizes will be given to the winners only upon sharing the above-mentioned declaration.
- The First, Second and Third Prize Winners will give the rights to use whole or part or edited versions of the selfie/groupfie/video, along with the recipe to Tea Board India for use in their creatives/advertisements or for their promotional use, as deemed fit by Tea Board India.
- The prize winners will have to share the following declaration with Tea Board India: “I, (name of the contestant), a resident of (full residential address of the contestant), hereby give the rights to use whole or part or edited versions of the selfie/groupfie/video shot by me, along with the recipe of the tea shown in the selfie/groupfie/video to Tea Board India for use in their creatives/advertisements or for their promotional use, as deemed fit by Tea Board India.”
- The cash prizes will be given to the winners only upon sharing the above-mentioned declaration.
- The First, Second and Third Prize Winners should share the high resolution versions of their selfie/groupfie/video with Tea Board India.
- If contestants are discovered to be using or having used improper means to participate in this contest, Tea Board India reserves the right to cancel the eligibility without notice.
- This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook or any other Social Media Platforms.
- By participating in this contest the Winners agree to the use of his/her name and image in public domain and in any promotional media. The Winners agree to grant Tea Board India a perpetual and non-exclusive license to use such footage, photographs, videos, recipes and/or captions, etc at any time or times, in all media worldwide for advertising, trade, publicity and promotional purposes and the Winners will not be entitled to any fee for such use. The copyright of the selfie/groupfie/video/recipe etc. will vest with Tea Board India.
- Winners must share a self certified photocopy of their Aadhaar Card/Driving license/Pan Card/Voter ID card/Passport. The participants must submit documents for proof of their age. The cash prizes will be awarded to the Winners only on receipt of any one of the above documents.
- Tea Board India or its employees shall not be liable for any loss, damage, or any injury that may be sustained by the contestants or by any person in connection with the Contest.
- Tea Board India reserves all the rights at all times to modify or amend the Terms and Conditions of this Contest or to cancel it with immediate effect without giving any prior notice to any party.
- Please be advised that all materials posted on Tea Board India‟s Facebook or other social media platforms are subject to public downloading and viewing by third party viewers.
- Any entries posted by the current /former and/or permanent/contractual employees of Tea Board India or their relatives for this contest will not be considered for awarding prizes.
- It is understood that by participating in this contest, you agree to abide by all the above-mentioned terms and conditions unconditionally
Contact: dipannita.teaboard@gmail.com