Organizer: Department of Physics, Arts, Commerce & Science College, Kille-Dharur, Dist. Beed-431124 (M.S) in collaboration with Department of Chemistry, Bhagwan Mahavidyalaya, Ashti Dist. Beed -414203 (M.S)
About the Workshop
- When: 05th & 06th September 2022
- Mode: Online
- Free Registration
Sessions and Resource Persons
Key-Note Speaker: Prof. B. N. Dole, Head Dept. of Physics, Dr. B.A.M.U. Aurangabad
- Topic: Current Trends in Nanotechnology
Prof. H.O.Tekin, Professor, Dept. of Medical Diagnostic Imaging University of Sharjah, UAE.
- Topic: Medical and Radiation Protection applications of Monte Carlo simulation techniques: MCNP experience
Prof. P. P. Pawar Professor Department of Physics Dr. B. A.M. U. Aurangabad
- Topic: Gamma-ray interaction studies with Matter
Dr. D. K. Gaikwad, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics ACS College, Dharangaon, Jalgaon
- Topic: The Age of Glass
Register Here
Whatsapp Group: Join Here
Organizing Committee
Chief-organizer Dr. G.K. Kakade Principal. ACS College, Kille-Dharur.
Dr. D.T. Wagh, Principal, Bhagawan Mahavidyalaya, Ashti
Dr. L. B. Jadhavar, Department Physics ACS College, Kille-Dharur.
Organizing Secretary
Dr. R. R. Bhosale Department Physics ACS College, Kille-Dharur.
Joint Secretary,
Mr. S.P. Dhonde Department Chemistry Bhagawan Mahavidyalaya, Ashti
Co-Convener Dr. D. S. Jare Department Chemistry Bhagawan Mahavidyalaya, Ashti
Co-Convener Dr. B. S. Zine Department Chemistry Bhagawan Mahavidyalaya, Ashti