Organizer: Department of Linguistics, Gauhati University, Guwahati and NORTH EASTERN REGIONAL LANGUAGE CENTRE & (Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysuru) Guwahati
About the Conference
- When: March 4-5, 2025
- Venue: Department of Linguistics, Gauhati University, Guwahati
- Call for Papers
India is a multilingual country with 121 languages, 270 classified mother tongues and 1,474 unclassified (Others) mother tongues (Census of India 2011). This tradition of multilingualism has deep historical roots marked by the growth of various language communities and shifts in socio-linguistic patterns. Over time, extensive language contact has fostered shared structural features creating a unity in language, culture and lifestyle across the region. India is an outstanding. example of a linguistic area where languages from diverse families come together and mutually. influence each other in numerous ways. The evidence of shared phonological-, morphological-, syntactic-, semantic-, lexical-, and discourse features demonstrates language federation that arises from prolonged contact, migration, coexistence, and cultural exchange. This unique linguistic landscape enriched by centuries of cultural and historical layers makes India one of the world’s most captivating linguistic areas.
One Keynote on the shared features in Indian languages with special references to NEI languages.2. Two Invited Lectures on the shared features of NEI languages in the levels like phonology, morphology and syntax.
Details of the Conference
This conference is a joint effort between North Eastern Regional Language Centre, Guwahati (Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysuru) and the Department of Linguistics, Gauhati University,Guwahati. It focuses on NEI as a key example of a linguistic area where language contact and multilingualism are everyday realities in case of most speakers. The widespread multilingualism in this region has led to shared linguistic features which have developed through long-standing language interactions. Covering the seven sisters namely Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura, and one brother namely Sikkim, this conference aims to be both academically insightful and essential for promoting the region’s shared linguistic heritage. It promises to offer participants a meaningful experience, deepening their understanding of India’s linguistic unity and the elements that contribute to it.
The conference aims to promote research on but not limited to:
- Notion of India as a Linguistic Area – NEI Languages as Indian Languages
- Shared features in Indian Languages – Focus on NEI Languages,
- Language Contact and Convergence, Language Maintenance and Shift, Linguistic Innovation and Borrowing. Language Planning and Language Policies,
- Linguistic Diversity and Language Harmony,
- Linguistic Identity,
- Socio-linguistic Implications,
- Language Census and Records
- Language Variations and Change
- Linguistic Ecology of India,
- Academic Collaboration and Research,
- Script and Orthography
Call for Abstract
To fill the gap in the comparative work across languages spoken in the North-East within the various branches of language and linguistics, this conference invites original research papers on phonetics, phonology, morphology, word formation, syntax, semantics, socio-linguistics, pragmatics, languages and scripts, discourse studies and any other relevant areas of language and linguistics.
Important Dates
- Submission of abstract: January 15, 2025
- Notification of shortlisted abstract: January 31, 2025
- Last date of Registration: February 10, 2025
Abstracts should be submitted in MS Word format to: seujisharma@gauhati.ac.in
Submission Guidelines
- The abstract submitted must contain title, author’s name, affiliation and the contact information of the corresponding author only.
- All the submissions should be original.
- Only the shortlisted abstracts will be contacted.
- The submission and presentation shall be in English, and Assamese only.
- The abstract should be submitted in Microsoft Word format only.
- All the incoming abstracts will be evaluated based on their content, quality, and appropriateness to the topics.
TRAVEL GRANTA: limited travel grant may be available to selected participants.
Accommodation: Modest accommodation with food will be provided to the selected participants.
NOTE: Accommodation will be provided to the outstation paper presenters and invited guests only.
Prof. Nani Gopal Mahanta, Vice-Chancellor, Gauhati University, Guwahati-781014. Assam (consent to be obtained)
Prof. Shailendra Mohan, Director, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysuru-570006, Karnataka
ORGANISERS: Dr Seuji Sharma (Coordinator) Department of Linguistics, Gauhati University, Guwahati
Dr Aleendra Brahma (Coordinator)Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysuru
Dr Gitanjali Bez (Organising Committee Member)Department of Linguistics, Gauhati University, Guwahati
Dr Krishna Boro (Organising Committee Member)Department of Linguistics, Gauhati University, Guwahati
Where shall we pay or register for this seminar.There is no mention at all.Last date for registration is 10th feb, 2025