AGGARWAL COLLEGE, BALLABGARH, Distt. FARIDABAD (HR) Affiliated to M.D.University, Rohtak & Aided by Haryana Govt. Ph. 0129-2308348, 9212371284
About the Recruitment
WALK-IN-INTERVIEW: Invited eligible applicants for the following positions on Non-Sanctioned Posts under Self Finance Scheme purely on Contractual basis on consolidated salary:
- Date: 25-07-2024 (10:00AM onwards)
- Venue:-Aggarwal College Wing-1 Ambedkar Chowk. Tigaon Road Ballabgarh
Assistant Professor in following subjects:
- Commerce-05
- Hindi-03
- Chemistry-04
- English-03
- Mathematics-03
- Computer Science-13
- Environmental Science-01
- Biology-01
- Economics-02
- Management-06
- Retail Management-01
Application Form can be downloaded from college website.
Note: Number of posts may decrease or increase. Qualifications and age as per UGC/DHE Haryana/M.D. University, Rohtak norms/rules.
Devender Kumar Gupta, President
College Website: https://www.aggarwalcollege.ac.in/#
Email: aggpgcollege@gmail.com
In 2025 any vacancy for biology assistant professor