One post of Research Associate (RA -I) under the Indo – UK Joint multi-Institutional research project entitled “ResPharm: Resolving the fate and studying the impact of pharmaceutical wastes on the environment and local community of a pharmaceutical manufacturing hub” sanctioned for 3 years (Dec.2020 to Dec. 2023) to the undersigned by Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India.
- The position is purely temporary and co- terminus with the project.
- The appointment will be made as per DBT norms for remaining period of the project (December 2023) subject to availability of funds and satisfactory performance.
Essential Qualifications: PhD in Microbiology/Agricultural Microbiology/Environmental Microbiology/Biotechnology or allied subjects.
The candidate should have a good academic record and well trained in Microbiology, Molecular Biology and analytical techniques. Candidate should have original scientific paper published in journal recognized by JCR, ISI.
Desirable: Prior strong laboratory experience in cultural and molecular characterization of microbial cultures, PCR based gene detection and characterization from environmental samples, statistical and bioinformatics- based data analysis.
Emoluments: Rs. 47000/- per month + HRA Job requirement: To do all the experimental and field work related to the project, compile all results, maintain the Laboratory notebook and all the scientific records pertaining to the project and research publication.
How to Apply
Interested candidates should submit their curriculum vitae with essential supporting documents along with recent photograph on the following format.
- Name
- Father’s /Husband name
- Date of Birth
- Permanent address
- Address of correspondence
- Educational qualifications
- Topic of PhD thesis Research
- experience and publication,
- Contact details (email, phone)
- Attach Recent photograph
- Last date of receipt of applications is 10th April, 2023 (10.04.2023)
- No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview
- Date of the interview for eligible candidates will be intimated separately by email or telephone
The candidates should bring PhD thesis, their original certificates related to their qualifications, work experience, publications etc.
Postal Address
Prof. Iqbal Ahmad, Co. PI (DBT Project-Respharm), Department of Ag. Microbiology, A.M.U., ALIGARH