About Central University of Odisha
The Central University of Odisha (CUO), established under the Central University Act 2009 to address the growing educational needs of the Country, is located in Koraput, one of the finest places in terms of tranquility and weather throughout the year. The CUO has been making steady progress over the years so much so that it has emerged as a ‘Happening University’ in the Country. The University seeks to harness inter- disciplinary research for sustained progress in ‘Education for Development’. Attracting outstanding academicians with talent and commitment is on the top of the CUO agenda of recruitment. The new faculty are not only expected to contribute significantly for the academic growth of their departments, to conduct research and teaching programmes by creating ICT mediated teaching-learning curricula, but are also expected to create innovations on the lines of NEP-2020. They will be carrying out inter-disciplinary
academic initiatives including the community outreach programmes and industry academia interface.
About the Recruitment
Online applications are invited in the prescribed Application Format from eligible Indian Citizens and candidates possessing Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) for appointment to the posts of ASSISTANT PROFESSOR in the Academic Pay Level 10 as per 7th Central Pay Commission Pay Scales, in various Departments of the University on direct recruitment.
- The recruitment shall be made in accordance with the “UGC Regulations, 2018”, “AICTE Regulations, 2019” and “NCTE Regulations, 2014” as applicable.
- Closing date and time for receipt of online application is 23-02-2023 (23.59 Hrs)
- Candidates are required to submit copy of their online application form along with all testimonials to reach the University by Speed Post/Registered Post before 03-03-2023 (16.00 Hrs)
- Any addendum/corrigendum shall be posted only on the University website
NB: Candidates, who applied in response to the Advertisement No.01/2020 dated 22-06-2020 for the same post, need to apply afresh but need not pay application fee. However, in case of change of roster category in any post, candidates may ask for the refund of application fee through email refundfees@cuo.ac.in before 03-03-2023; no other form of request shall be entertained for refund

How to Apply
All applicants are required to apply online in the prescribed format (on SAMARTH) with complete, correct information and attachments. The applicant will be solely responsible for the authenticity of the submitted information. Applicants are required to fill the application form as available on the University website http://www.cuo.ac.in.
The details regarding qualifications, experience and screening guidelines are available on the University website http://www.cuo.ac.in along with this advertisement. The applicants are required to read these details before filling up the form
Email: recruitmentcell@cuo.ac.in