Chief-Editor: Dr. Bimlesh Kumar Singh, HOD, Dept. of English, Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Motihari, Bihar
Co-editors : Rahul Kumar, Research Scholar, MGCU Motihari, Shrawan Kumar, Research Scholar, MGCU Motihari
Details of the Publication
- Language: English
- Extended Submission Deadline: 15th of April 2023
- Selection Mail: 20th April 2023
- Publication Date: 30th of April 2023
- No Submission/Publication Fee
Concept Note
The world changed rapidly during the last century and is still changing, this change brought modern ways in every dimension
of human life. Modernism in the literary world gave birth to many ideas which inherently were impregnated with multiple concepts. Modernism after it’s high time gave birth to postmodernism in literary dimensions. This change and growth made the world global, which led to easy connectivity in physical and virtual mode. Though the world became global, the life of humans became absurd. The path to a fruitful and meaningful life became
a question. Absurdity and existential crisis stuck to the human soul. The humans, with time, started questioning the presence of
God by seeing the great massacre of the twentieth century, and gradually they became nihilist. In order to showcase these issues of modern and postmodern era many writers pen down exceptional literary pieces. The humans are still looming in the existential crisis due to their absurd life. The authors have depicted many issues related to these literary dimensions but the solution is still to be fetched.
The upcoming edited book will be based on the issues of Absurdism, Existentialism, Nihilism, Modernism, Postmodernism
and so forth. Articles are invited by authors to discuss these issues with their way of seeing human life and some possible solutions for it.
Invite book chapters of about 2500-4000 words that propose to explore these dimensions of literature.
Possible Topics of Research may include :
- Absurdism,
- Existentialism,
- Modernism
- Nihilism
- Postmodernism
- Sub theme: Life in literary texts
- Absurdity of Humanlife in literature
- Society and culture in literature
Submission Guidelines:
Kindly send your Book chapters (2500-4000) at
Book chapter should be in the format- Times New Roman, 12 point font(title in 14 font), Single spaced in a word document file.
Authors’s name and affiliation should be in the format:
a. Name-
b. Designation-
c. Affiliation-
d. E-mail I’d-
e. Contact number-
- Please do not send the paper that is being considered elsewhere.
- Kindly include a declaration letter stating that your book chapter is your own and has not been published elsewhere.
- All the selected participants will be informed on or before 30th March 2023.
- Book chapter should be in APA 7 format