- Publisher: Scrivener- Wiley, USA, The publisher will send the book to Scopus and Web of Science (WOS) for indexing after publication
- NO Article processing charges (APC)
Scope of Work
Recent research areas like Data science, Machine Learning, Quantum Computing, Deep Learning, Signal and Image Processing, Computer Vision, Networking, Security, Block chain requires rigorous mathematical foundations. The knowledge and application of Linear Algebra, Statistics, Calculus, Operation Research, Topology, Discrete Mathematics have become essential for the development of these topics in Computer Science. The knowledge of various mathematical tools is essential to solve the various problems in Computer Science. This book aims to provide the platform for the new ideas in the field of mathematics and its applications in computer science. This book aims at providing innovative solutions in the area of Numerical Analysis, Graph Theory, Linear Algebra, Fluid Dynamics, Statistics, Signal and Image Processing, Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, Scientific Computing and many more.
Tentative table of contents or list of topics:
- Mathematical capabilities of ChatGPT
- Mathematics behind Generative Al
- Mathematics in Block Chain and crypto-currency
- Mathematics in Scientific Computing
- Cryptography and Security.
- Applications of mathematics in image, signal and video processing
- Applications of mathematics in Artificial Intelligence, Machine
- Learning and Deep Learning
- Linear Algebra in Data Science
- Statistics in Data Science
- Topology in Networking
- Technologies
- Discrete Mathematics in
- Computing Science
- Optimization in Computing Technology
- Robotics
- Metaheuristics
Important Dates:
- Abstract Submission (Approx. 500 words): 25th June 2024
- Abstract Acceptance Notification: 15th July 2024
- Full Chapter Submission: 31st August 2024
- Chapter acceptance: 1st October 2024
- Final chapter Submission: 15th October 2024
Send your full chapter by the designated deadline to: amasccsbook2024@gmail.com
Note that all chapters will be put through similarity software and publisher’s guidelines are an overall similarity index of less than 15% (with maximum 3% from any single source).
- The book will be published under the Wiley-Scrivener imprint and indexed by Scopus and offered to Web of Science.
Dr. Dipti Jadhav, Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology, DY Patil deemed to be University Nerul, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Dr. Pritam Wani, Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology, DY Patil deemed to be University Nerul, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Dr Narendrakumar Dasre, Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology, DY Patil deemed to be University, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Dr. Niranjanamurthy M, Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Karnataka, India
Dr. Biswadip Basu Mallik, Institute of Engineering & Management, University of Engineering & Management, Kolkata, INDIA.