- No Publication Fee
- Book will be submitted by publisher to major Indexing Databases including Scopus etc
Scope of the Book:
The book aims to provide updated research perspectives focusing on the relationship between e-learning pedagogy.
technology and emotional intelligence. There is a need to disseminate awareness and information about role of emotional intelligence and technology from various dimensions to help students and teachers maintain the quality of e-learning and emotional well-being. The aim is to bring together readers such as researchers, professors, developers, practitioners, and educators interested in advancing state of the art in technology driven e-learning pedagogy through emotional intelligence.
List of Topics (not limited to)
- Theoretical and empirical perspective of emotional intelligence and e-learning.
- Role of technology in emotional intelligence driven e-learning.
- Impact of blended and online learning on learner’s ability to share emotions Impact of learning and sharing emotions on teachers’ ability to teach through technology.
- Impact of emotional intelligence-led e-learning on student diversity.
- Literature Reviews in advanced technology-based teaching and pedagogical learning tools.
- Role of educational robotic activities in diverting students’ emotional well-being.
- Approaches to e-learning pedagogy.
- Relevance of educators in quality based e-learning through emotional intelligence and technology.
- Social Awareness and technology-based e-learning.
Important Dates
- Full Chapter Submission: December 25, 2022
- Final Acceptance Notification: January 15, 2022
- Final Chapter Submission: January 30, 2023
Dr. Pooja Sharma, Apeejay School of Management, Delhi
Dr. Rohit Bansal, Vash College of Engineering, Rohtak
Dr. Ram Singh, Quantum University, Roorkee
Contact: All the queries related to submission should be mailed at poojamitsharmaa@gmail.com