Call for Papers: Tenth Annual SERI Workshop

Organizer: Economics Group at the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (IIMC) and the Centre for Training and Research in Public Finance and Policy

  • Workshop date: 26-27 July 2024
  • Submission deadline: 10 June 2024, 11:59 PM IST
  • The workshop is planned as an in-person meeting at the IIMC Campus in Joka, Kolkata
  • There is no registration fee for the conference

The Economics Group at the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (IIMC) and the Centre for Training and Research in Public Finance and Policy (CTRPFP) will be jointly organizing the 10th annual workshop of the Society for Economics Research in India (SERI) on 26-27 July, 2024

SERI’s annual workshop is a platform for economists in India to present and get feedback on their research, with the aim of preparing the papers for submission to leading economic journals. The workshop’s format allows for greater engagement than is possible in typical conferences: there will be a small number of papers selected and longer time slots to allow for detailed exposition and discussion.

Programs of past workshops details: Visit Here

For your paper to be considered for the meeting, you must be an economist based in India.
Submissions of both empirical and theoretical research, across all fields of economics, are
welcome. We particularly encourage junior faculty and women to submit their work for
consideration. Each individual should only submit one paper to the workshop but a person
may be a co-author on multiple papers.

Submit Full Papers at: Click Here

We have limited travel support for the presenting authors. When submitting the papers, please let us know if you need travel support.

Organizing Committee

Sourav Bhattacharya, IIM Calcutta
Tanika Chakraborty, IIM Calcutta
Somdeep Chatterjee, IIM Calcutta
Jyotsna Jalan, CTRPFP
Shabana Mitra, Shiv Nadar IoE
Rajeswari Sengupta, IGIDR

Contact at:

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