Central University of Karnataka invites online applications from qualified citizens of
India/Overseas citizens of India with valid documents as applicable are eligible to apply for recruitment to the following teaching positions at the level of Professors and Associate Professors.
Total Number of Posts
- Professor: 21
- Associate Professor: 40
The appointment of candidates on regular basis shall be governed by New Pension Scheme
The details of online application are as follows:
- Date of Commencement of online Application 30/05/2022
- Last date of submission of online Application 30/06/2022
- Last date of receipt of hardcopy of online
- application along with all enclosures 08/07/2022
I. Rs.2,500/- for UR/OBC/EWS applicants
II. Rs.1,000/- for SC/ST applicants.
III. Application fee exempted for PWD category applicants
IV. Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances, even if the recruitment is deferred for any reason.
V. Payment should be made online only, through credit/debit card/Net banking as provided in the payment gateway in the online application form.
VI. The application form shall be rejected in case payment is not made within the stipulated time.
VII. Payment should be made for each application separately.
VIII. Online convince charges are as per payment method opted
The details can be downloaded from CUK website Visit Here
Application forms have to be filled only in an online mode, as available on the website of the University along with the present advertisement, within the prescribed time limit indicated in the advertisement.
- Offline forms will not be accepted.
The qualifications, pay scales and other conditions for the advertised teaching positions shall be in accordance with UGC Regulations on Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and other Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education 2018 (hereinafter referred to as UGC Regulations 2018) and its subsequent amendments issued, published in the Gazette of
India, and are subject to any future regulations/norms, including amendments in the
present regulations stipulated by the MoE/UGC, AICTE, NCTE, etc. applicable to such recruitments, which may change from time to time. The application form must be accompanied by additional sheets (wherever required) and enclosures giving details of academic qualifications, experience, published work etc.
The hard copy of the online application along with self-attested copies of testimonials/certificates in an envelope duly superscripted “Application for the post of ____________________ in the Dept. of
________________________________ ’’ must be sent to
The Registrar, Central University of Karnataka, Kadaganchi, Aland Road, Kalaburagi District -585 367 so as to be received by the undersigned on or before 08/07/2022