Organizer: MoE’s Institution’s Innovation Council, Ministry of Education (MoE’s), Government of India, Gulzar Group of Institutions, Ludhiana (C-10318)
Details of the Competition
- Video: Show off your STEAM contraption in action, Explain its math magic & wow the judges
- Scrap File: Share technical drawings, formulas, or inspiration behind your creation.
- Submit by December 26th 2023
- Eligibility: Open to all participants across India and the world.
Category 1. Video Guidelines
- Theme: Create a video showcasing your STEAM contraption in action, highlighting its connection to math principles and explaining its functionalities.
- Format:Length: Keep it engaging and concise! Aim for a video between 2-5 minutes. Quality: Ensure clean audio and high-definition visuals. Editing: Feel free to add creative elements like music, graphics, or animations to enhance your presentation.
- Content: Include the following aspects in your video:
- Introduction: Briefly introduce yourself or your team.
- Contraption Demonstration: Show your creation in action, highlighting its key features and functionalities. Math Connection: Explain the math principles and concepts behind your contraption. Make it clear and engaging!
- Additional Details (Optional): Share the materials used, construction process, challenges faced, and future plans for your creation.
Submission Platform: Send your video to
Category 2. Scrap File Submission Guidelines:
This could include:
- Technical drawings or schematics.
- Explanations of specific math calculations or formulas used.
- Resources used for research or inspiration.
- Additional photos or diagrams.
- Format: Accepted formats: PDF, DOCX, PPTX.
Submission: Send the scrap file at
Visit Here to Register
Judging and Awards:
- A panel of esteemed judges will evaluate entries based on creativity, math connection, functionality, explanation, and presentation.
For Details: Visit Here
Event Coordinator: Ashish Kumar Bhateja 9417732687