Organizer: Center of Excellence in Science and Mathematics Education, Indian Institute of Science at its Challakere Campus, Khudapura-577536 Chitradurga- District
About the Refresher Course
- When: 26th October to 10th November 2023 (16 days)
- No registration fees
- Venue: Challakere Campus, Khudapura
- Applications are invited from College/University faculty teaching BSc Physics
- Last date for submitting the application is September 28, 2023
- Food and accommodation will be taken care by TDC-IISc
- Selected candidates will be informed by October 3, 2023
Course Specialization:
- Quantum Physics and Condensed Matter Physics.
A unique feature of this training is learning Physics by doing experiment and computational methods and thinking for teaching aid.
Contact hours of the program will be more than 140 hrs.
- 64 hours of lectures (8.0 am – 12.0 pm).
- 76 hours of experiments (-1 pm- 6.30 pm).
- 3-5 Experiments per day
Lectures will be delivered by IISc Faculty members. Training program consists of three parts.
- Part 1: Orientation to general physics
- Part 2: Quantum and Condensed matter physics
- Part 3: Hands on experiments
How To Apply:
Candidates should apply using the format available.
The candidate is responsible for the correctness of the information provided in the application.
Application form for College (B.Sc) Teachers Refresher Course in Physics: Download Here
A statement of purpose (SOP) explaining the broad reasons for your interest in this program (not more than 500 words)
Filled form and SOP must be saved as PDF and emailed to Convener TDC-IISc “dnrao@iisc.ac.in “
- The subject of your email should be “College (B.Sc.) Teachers Refreshers Course in Physics – your name”.
You can also send your application by post to
Convener, Talent Development Centre, Indian Institute of Science Challakere Campus, Khudapura, -577536 Chitradurga District, Karnataka.
How to reach us
IISc Challakere campus is in Khudapura village located about 15 km from Challakere city. One can take bus from Challakere, going to Nayakanahatti to reach TDC.
Talent Development Centre, Indian Institute of Science, Challakere campus at Khudapura, Challakere, Chitradurga District, Karnataka – 577536
Amith J, Manager
email: amithj.cmc@vendor.iisc.ac.in
Website: Visit Here