Organizer: ST. CHAVARA CENTRE FOR TEACHING EXCELLENCE AND EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION (SCCTEEI), St. Aloysius College, Elthuruth, Thrissur, Kerala 680 611, India
About the Programme
- When: 19th November 2022 5.00 PM-7.00 PM (IST)
- Free Registration
- Platform: Zoom and YouTube
Resource Persons and Topics
Ms. Rania Lampou, Global Educator, Author, Neuroscience Researcher & STEM Instructor, Greek Astronomy and Space Company.
Topic: ICT tools for modern classroom teaching
Dr. Mario C. Lucero, Principal, Springfield School International Philippines & The President, Leadership in Education Academy and Development, Philippines.
Topic: Values Based Education
Register Here
Zoom Meeting Link: Join Here
Meeting ID: 84928196928 Passcode: 726911
You Tube Live streaming: Join Here
Dr. Chacko Jose P (Principal)
Dr. Sinto Jacob, (Coordinator, SCCTEEI)
Dr. Libison K B (IQAC Coordinator)
E-mail: sccteei@staloysiuselt.edu.in
Phone: 86067 43247, 85939 54552,
70341 25375, 75590 63649 http://www.staloysiuselt.edu.in
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