Organizer: IEEE Computer Society, Madras In association with ECE Dept., Anna University, Chennai
About the Seminar
- When: Saturday, 18th Mar 2023 from 9.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
- Venue: Mini Auditorium, 2nd Floor, ECE Dept., Anna University, Chennai – 600025
- As the number of seats are limited and the registration will be on first come first served basis,
With rapid developments taking place in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), there is a compelling need to keep updating oneself to be relevant in the competitive environment. In an attempt to provide some inputs and create awareness on the trends in ICT areas, IEEE Computer Society (CS) Madras has taken a lead in organizing a series of one day ICT Tech Update seminars in 2023 at a highly subsidized fee. The first such ICT Tech Update seminar was held on 7th Jan 2023 focusing on AI/ML/Dl, Decision Making, 5G, Smart Manufacturing and Skilling for Industry 4.0. The second one on Cyber Security was organized on 18th Feb 2023 in association with Society for Electronic Transaction and Security (SETS), Chennai. The third in the series is being organized by IEEE CS Madras at ECE Dept., Anna University, Chennai on Saturday, 18th Mar 2023 with the following sessions.
- Introduction to Git by Mr. Shakthi Kannan, Free Software developer and Team Lead, Tarides
- Mobile Application Development by Mr. Sivaraj Ambat, Application Delivery Manager, DXC Technology
- Fundamentals of Quantum Computing by Mr. LS Sreekuttan, Head of Products and Research Scientist at Qkrishi
- Mobility Engineer 2030 — Building Skills for Electric, Connected & Autonomous Vehicle Industry by Dr. Shankar Venugopal, Vice President at Mahindra & Mahindra
- Reskilling & Upskilling for Opportunities in Data Science & Analytics by Mr. N Swaminathan, Founder, COLLOC Consulting (Strategic, Digital Transformation)
- Mini Quiz on ICT (with spot cash prizes) by Mr. H.R. Mohan, Chair-Events & Imm. Past Chair, IEEE Computer Society, Madras
A nominal registration fee as detailed below will be payable at the time of registration. Members of the supporting organizations such as CSI, ACM, SPIN, eWIT, CySI, ISACA can avail the reduced registration fee
applicable to IEEE, IEEE CS members
- Rs. 150 – Student Members of IEEE, IEEE CS and supporting organizations
- Rs. 200 – Other Students
- Rs. 250 – Members of IEEE, IEEE CS and supporting organizations
- Rs. 300 — Non-Members
The fee includes: Kit, Tea (two times), Lunch and e-Certificate of Participation.
Register Here
Location Map: Visit Here
Contact: email to or contact seminar coordinator at +91 9841432179.
Contributed by: E Ramesh