Organizer: Department of Philosophy, Vidyanagar College in collaboration with IQAC, Vidyanagar College, Affiliated to University of Calcutta South 24 Parganas, West Bengal, India Pin-743503 (NAAC ACCREDITED WITH GRADE B+)
About the Seminar( Hybrid)
- When: 19 December 2022
- Registration fee Needed
- Call for Papers
Selected papers will be published in an International edited volume with ISBN. Details of which will communicated in due course.
Call for Papers
Send your abstract within 200 words by 16 December 2022 (up to 11.30 p.m.). Full paper (not more than 3000 words) in English or Bengali is to be submitted at bibekananda.sau91@gmail.com both in word and pdf format.
The abstract as well as the full papers should include Author’s/Authors’ Full Name, Designation, Institution, WhatsApp No, and Email address. For English, use Times New Roman Font [Title in 12 pt. bold], Author’s /Authors’ Name in 11 pt. bold and body of the paper [12 pt.] and 1.5 line spacing. In Bengali use Avro Font [Title in 12 pt. bold], Author’s/Authors’ Name in 11 pt. bold and body of the paper [12 pt.] with 1.5 line spacing.
Sub Topics:
- Philosophical Counselling
- Conflict resolution
- Liberal Arts
- The method of correct reasoning.
- Method of neutral reasoning and its application in practical life.
- Concept of peace and its significance.
Important Dates:
- Last Date for Submission of the Abstract: 16/12/2022
- Last Date of Full Paper Submission: 18/12/2022
- Date of Paper Presentation: 19/12/2022
Last Date of Online Registration (No offline Registration is to be entertained): 16/12/2202
Details of Registration Fees:
- Academicians/Professors (Paper Presenter): Rs. 1000/-
- Registration fee for participants : Rs. 600/-
- M. Phil & Ph.D. Research Scholars: Rs. 500/-
- Students: Rs. 100/-
Bank Details
Name of the Account Holder: RITAPRIYO SAU
S/B A/C No.: 1884101013045
IFSC: CNRB0001884
Mobile No. : +91 7044743715
Register Here
Theme of the Seminar
Students often de-motivate taking philosophy as their primary field of study, since society does not find its utility anywhere in its realm. Especially common men identify it as a religious subject, which is declared as worthless, devoid of any scientific value. One, having no conceptual understanding of the subject, nourishes such opinion now and then. On the other hand, Philosophy is not a standalone subject but combines various aspects of history, psychology, politics, logic, ethics, and religion experience.
This seminar is dedicated to both type of people who possesses such opinions and also to those who have a passion for Philosophy. It allows one to find out one’s way on such issues which are yet to be explored by scientific mind. Philosophy as a subject is not only the art of answering questions but also is about asking difficult questions that no other field can tackle. It is rightly said that science is what we do know, but philosophy is what we don’t know, it’s about delving into the complexities of the human mind and emotion in many ways. These days, when more and more youngsters are gaining interest in understanding the socio- political functioning of the country, arguing in logical manner is the need of the hour. Graduates of philosophy students are prepared for careers as legal professionals, psychological counseling, public administrators, medical ethics experts and aesthetic cognition which takes evaluation of all thes work seriously. It is often found that one praises such works for its profundity, subtlety and for the Philosophers are known to have more original solutions to the problems and can easily analyze insights.
complex problems as well as examine problems systematically. It seeks to give shape to abstract ideas and to provide a human interpretation of life, existence, morality, reality, knowledge and other The modern use of the term liberal arts, the emerging subject, is consists of four areas: the natural intangible concepts. More than any other discipline, philosophy explores the core issues to formulate questions and follow arguments.
sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities. It reminds one of Ancient Greek methods of enquiry that began with a “desire for a universal understanding”. Pythagoras argued that there was a mathematical and geometrical harmony to the cosmos or the universe and his followers linked the four arts of astronomy, mathematics, geometry, and music into one area of study to form the “disciplines of the mediaeval quadrivium”. The three arts of the “humanities”-grammar, logic, and rhetoric were grouped as the trivium was added to the four to make a club of seven liberal arts to cultivate the mind and character that nobody can afford to be without.
People obviously cannot be good craft-workers, merchants, soldiers or businessmen unless. regardless of their occupation, they are good, upstanding and according to their condition – well- informed human beings and citizens. If this basis is laid through schooling, vocational skills are easily acquired later on. Therefore, Philosophy as a main architect of human knowledge allows us to study, think and beyond to govern the human development as a whole.