About the Contest
- There is No Entry fee for this contest
- Up to 4 images per theme and per entrant (Total 8 images) are allowed
- Last Date: June 30, 2022
- Total Prizes Money for Winners: 10,00,000 INR
By entering the DJ Memorial Photography Contest 2022, the entrant agrees to maintain the highest standards in all matters relating to the Contest and not to do or say anything that does or might damage the reputation of the Owners of the Competition, the other entrants or the official partners, judges or supporters or sponsors of the Competition. The entrant acknowledges that entry into the Contest gives full rights for the organizer to use the images for their promotional activities, corporate brochures, calendar etc. Due acknowledgment of the photographer’s name will be mentioned for the images that are used by LMW.
Contest Rules
Entrants are not permitted to submit images in the Creative Nature that:
- Featuring farm birds, family pets.
- Nesting Bird Pictures
- Caged Bird Pictures
- Have been awarded any prize, recommendation or other award in the previous editions of DJMPC
- Captured with any human and
- Trap camera images. (However, drone camera pictures are allowed)
- There is no restriction in the category of Sunrise/Sunset. The images submitted in this category could also be the images submitted in previous editions provided that it had not been awarded any prize, recommendation or other awards in the previous editions of DJMPC
- “Creative Nature” theme is an invitation to capture and creatively present Nature without any Human intervention or presence.
- Any entry found not to comply with the Rules at any stage of the Contest may be disqualified.
- The only mode of communication will be e-mail. Therefore, please mention your current and valid email ID, Mobile No and address in your entry.
- All submissions for the contest have to be made only by an online entry at
- All relevant particulars as asked for in the online portal have to be filled in.
- All entries should have a title. Entries without a title will not be accepted. “UNTITLED” is not a valid title.
- If there is dispute of any kind, the decision of the juries will be final and binding on all concerned. All disputes will be subject to Coimbatore jurisdiction.
- In addition to the Winner and Runner prizes in each theme, Certificates of “Honourable Mention” in each theme will also be awarded to the selected photographs at the discretion of juries.
- The Organizers shall not be held responsible for non-performance and any obligation cast on them by these rules due to the occurrence of any Force Majeure event including any act of God, civil commotion, natural calamity and any other happening, which the Organizers cannot reasonably prevent or control.
Image Submission Procedures and Rules
Submissions must be in digital format only. Black and White images are also allowed for entry.
- For all categories, digital files must be submitted as JPEG format, saved at a highest quality setting.
- Colour space sRGB and Adobe RGB.
- At 1920 pixels along the longest dimension.
- No borders, watermarks or signatures should be included.
- File size should be maximum up to 5 MB.
Entrants whose work has been shortlisted will be required to provide the following:
- Only RAW files (eg .CR2, .NEF etc) format will be required for authentication.
- High resolution files (preferably TIFF) required for printing at maximum resolution, and match the colour and cropping of the JPEG file submitted for online entry. Please do not upscale the image. Files must not exceed 100MB.
- Digital adjustments including tone and contrast, burning, dodging, cropping, sharpening, noise reduction, minor cleaning work are permitted provided that they comply with the Competitions principles of authenticity, so that they do not deceive the viewer or misrepresent the reality of nature.
- Adding or removing objects, animals or parts of animals, plants, people etc are not allowed.
- Entrants should not include their name in the caption or on the image captured. EXIF details like camera and lens specifications, exposure information should be kept intact.
Register Here
Contact: Email:
The DJ Memorial Photography Contest (DJMPC) is an annual competitive photography contest organized by Lakshmi Machine Works (LMW), Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India, in memory of its past Chairman and Managing Director Dr.D.Jayavarthanavelu (DJ).