Organizer: Mahatma Gandhi University Library, Kottayam, Kerala-686 560
About the Workshop
- When: 25-27 March 2023
- Venue: Seminar Hall, Mahatma Gandhi University Library
- Target People: Library Science students and professionals.
- Intake Capacity: 30
- Registration Fees: Students Rs. 300, Library Professionals Rs. 600
Accommodation: The conference fee does not include your accommodation and lunch. Organisers will help you find accommodation
Resource Persons
Prof. Dr Mohan Raj Pradhan, Chairman, HealthNet, Nepal, Former Professor, DLIS, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
Dr Vimal Kumar V, Reference Assistant, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala State, India.
Register Here
Koha is a Free and Open Source Integrated Library Management System (ILMS) that includes Acquisition, Cataloguing, Circulation, Serials control & Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) with many other advanced features. Koha supports international library standards and protocols, which ensures interoperability between Koha and other software & tools in library services. It supports bibliographic data standards (MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, UNIMARC), authority data standards (MARC 21 Format for Authority Data), the bibliographic data model (FRBRized editions), distributed cataloguing (Z39.50 client & server), protocols to support RFID integration, and seamlessly compliant with Unicode, Web 2.0, REST, ILS-DI etc. The software is fully customisable and includes all modules generally expected in any standard fourth-generation library management system.
Convenor: Smt. Letha Aravind, University Librarian (In-Charge)
Coordinator: Dr. Shaini Gopinath A, Assistant Librarian
Dr. Shaini Gopinath A, Mobile: 9495161509
Dr. Sumana K.P., Mobile: 9037756306