UPL UNIVERSITY OF SUSTAINABLE TECHNOLOGY (Established under Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2009) At & Po: Vataria, Ankleshwar-Valia Road, Ankleshwar, (Gujarat).
About the Recruitment
UPL University of Sustainable Technology Invites applications for following Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff Positions.
Teaching Positions
Assistant Professor: Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Information Technology, Civil Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Microbiology.
Lecturer: Chemical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Information Technology, Civil Engineering, Physics, Chemistry.
Non-Teaching Positions
Lab Assistant: Physics, Chemistry, Civil Engineering.
Post: Administrative Assistant, Administrative Officer.
Sport/Culture: Sports & Cultural Coordinator.
Accounts: Chief Finance & Accounts Officer.
How to Apply
Details of Qualification, Experience, Salary, other benefits and application format are available on http://www.upluniversity.ac.in/career.aspx
Send your duly filled application form with supporting documents to The President, UPL University of Sustainable Technology at career@upluniversity.ac.in or by registered post with self-attested certificates and testimonials on or before 15/12/2023.
Candidates already in service should attach a copy of their latest salary slip / certificate duly signed by the competent authority. Applications received in our format (available at our website) will be considered for the further process.