Virtual Lecture on Ecosystem People, Biosphere People, Ecological Refugees

Organizer: Council for Social Development; Anthropological Survey of India; and SAGE Publications)

About the Session

  • When: Jan 23, 2023 06:30 PM IST
  • Free Session
  • Platform: Zoom and YouTube

One may assign people to three broad categories from an ecological perspective. Ecosystem people meet the bulk of their resource requirements from a limited area near their habitation through gathering or low-input agriculture and animal husbandry. Biosphere people enjoy access to resources garnered from the entire biosphere and made available through markets, while ecological refugees are people that have lost access to their traditional base of natural resources yet have very limited access to resources through markets. In India today the ever-growing pressure of biosphere people is converting an increasingly large proportion of ecosystem people into ecological refugees.

Speaker: Madhav Gadgil, An ecologist who loves nature and democracy
Chair: Muchkund Dubey, President, Council for Social Development

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Dhivya Janarthanan, E:
Umesh Kumar, E:
Archana Jha
SAGE Publications | E:

Madhav Gadgil was born in the city of Pune where he developed an interest in natural history, trekking and athletics from an early age. These outdoor interests fostered his love of ecological field work, which has been his lifelong passion. He was educated at Pune, Mumbai and Harvard universities and has taught at Harvard University, Stanford University and University of California, Berkeley. For 31 years, he served on the faculty of Indian Institute of Science where he established a school of ecology, and engaged not only in basic scientific research but also in working with people at the grassroots and in many policy initiatives.

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