About the Session
- When: Wednesday, 13-Jul-2022, 06:00 PM – 08:00 PM (IST GMT +05:30 INDIA)
- Free Session
- Platform: Zoom
- Provide E Certificate
Session By Mrs. Angelica Irah Mari Pallsigui, Professor, Lyceum of the Philippines University, Cavite. Psychology Instructor, Psychometrician, Philippines
Register Here
Webinar Zoom Link: Join Here
Zoom Meeting ID : 389 891 7165 , Passcode: 269Q3W
Coordinator Sri. Dr. Ravindra R M @ +91 970 550 3767, wswd2022@gmail.com
Instructions to Download E-Certificate
Visit http://www.sricasw.org, click on International Webinar Series on Holistic Health, Well Being & Sustainable Development (IWSHHWBSD-2022) link, from the navigation menu, choose weekday/Sunday/special day and then select the attended webinar date to visit respective webpage and find the Google drive link to download participant’s certificates as per eligibility, after 1 week from the webinar date.