About the Scholarship The Generation Google Scholarship: for women in computer science was established to help students pursuing computer science degrees excel in technology and become leaders in the field. Selected students will receive $2,500 USD for the 2024-2025 academic year. The Generation Google Scholarship: for women in computer science will be awarded based on…
Organizer: DELNet About the Webinar Session by: Dr. E. S. Shamila, is currently working as a Professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Jansons Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. She is an esteemed expert holding a Ph.D. in web services, boasts an impressive career spanning over 19 years in academia. Her extensive…
Inviting contributions for an upcoming edited volume titled “Train Narratives: Journeys, Histories, and Imaginations,” which aims to explore the multifaceted experiences, cultural representations, and historical significance of trains and train travel. This collection seeks to bring together diverse perspectives from literature, history, sociology, film studies, and other disciplines. In addition to academic research articles, we…
DRDO, Defence Materials and Stores Research and Development Establishment, Kanpur – invites applications for the following Posts. About the Recruitment Date of interview: 08-04-2024 Venue: DMSRDE Transit Facility (Near DRLM Puliya), DMSRDE, GT Road, Kanpur 208004 Official Website: Visit Here
HINDUSTAN COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE (A CHRISTIAN MINORITY INSTITUTION, Padur, Kelambakkam (OMR), Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Chennai, TN About the Recruitment Assistant Professors in: Non Teaching Posts How to Apply Apply within 7 days to: The PrincipalHindustan College of Arts & Science Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR) Padur, Kelambakkam-603 103 Email: principal@hcaschennai.edu.inCollege Website: https://hcaschennai.edu.in/admission
About the Recruitment Responsibilities and Expectations: As part of the ORF Forums team, the Programme Assistant is expected to support the day-to-day roles and responsibilities associated with the planning and execution of ORF’s key convenings and conferences. The Programme Assistant would be responsible for communications with key stakeholders, liaise across verticals on forums planning, coordinating…
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