- Total Number of Posts: 106
- The last date for receipt of application is 04.01.2023 or two weeks from the date of publication of advertisement in the Employment News, whichever is later
- Mode of Appointment: Permanent
- Salary: Assistant Professors in the Academic Pay Level 10 with rationalized entry pay of Rs. 57,700/- as per 7th CPC pay matrix in addition to other usual allowances
Online applications are invited in the prescribed Application form available at an the college website.
Details of the Post and Department

Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) candidates may approach the Helpdesk set up at the College in case they require any assistance in filling up application form. Any addendum/ corrigendum shall be posted only on the College Website.
The details regarding qualifications, publications, experience, screening guidelines and indicative proforma etc. are available on the University website (www.du.ac.in) and College website www.sle.du.ac.in) along with this advertisement. The applicants are required to read these details before filling up the form.