Online applications are invited in the prescribed Application Form from eligible candidates for appointment to the post of Assistant Professor in the Academic Pay Level 10 with retionalized entry pay of Rs. 57,700/- as per 7th CPC pay matrix in addition to other usual allowances in various Departments of the College. For complete details, please visit the College Website (www.knc.edu.in) as well as University of Delhi Website (www.du.ac.in). Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) candidates may approach the Helpdesk set up at the College in case they require any assistance in filling up application form.
- The last date for receipt of applications is 09.11.2022
- Any addendum/ corrigendum shall be posted only on the College website

How to Apply
Apply through web link https://colrec.uod.ac.in
General Instructions for Applicants
- All applicants are required to apply online in the prescribed format with complete, correct information and attachments. The applicant will be solely responsible for the authenticity of the submitted information. Applicants are required to fill the application form as available on the College website. The details regarding qualifications, experience, screening guidelines and indicative proformas etc. are available on the College website(www.knc.edu.in) along with this advertisement. The applicants are required to read these details before filling up the form.
- Applicants should possess the prescribed qualifications and experience as on the closing date of application, as prescribed by the University for the Colleges from time to time for the respective post. The post advertised carry UGC pay scales plus admissible allowances. The posts are being advertised keeping in view the broad areas of specialization in subjects. However, the Department concerned may have specific requirement of specialization.
- The applications received shall be screened as per screening guidelines attached with this advertisement for short listing and recommending the applicants to be called for interview. Mere fulfillment of the qualification or the eligibility criteria does not entitle an applicant to be necessarily considered or called for interview.
- Publications ‘under submission’ or submitted to referees will not be considered towards calculation of marks for publication criteria. Further, all the items for which marks are claimed should be strictly in accordance with the screening guidelines attached with the advertisement.
- The minimum score requirement for shortlisting of applicants for the post of Assistant Professor is indicated in the screening guidelines attached herewith
Application fees and application form(s) are to be submitted as per details given below:
- Fees for Assistant Professor.
- Rs.500/- for UR/OBC/EWS category.
- No application fee will be charged from applicants from SC, ST, PwBD category and Women applicants.
- Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.
- No application fee shall be charged from applicants, who had applied for the same postin the preceding advertisement, subject to the condition that interview for the said post in the said subject had not been conducted. (The applicant shall have to provide the relevant details/proof of his/her having applied for the post against the advertisement referred herein).
- Application forms have to be filled only in online mode, as available on the website of the College along with this advertisement, within the prescribed time limit indicated inthe advertisement. No offline forms would be accepted.
- Payment should be made online only, through credit/debit card/Net Banking.