About the Institution
S.S.M.COLLEGE OF EDUCATION (Recognized by NRCNCTE, New Delhi, Affiliated to K.U.K.) Narwana Road, Kalayat (Kaithal)
Staff Required for 4-Year Intergrated Programme B.A.B.Ed. Course:
Principal/H.O.D :- One
Assistant Professor:
- Perspectives in Education-4
Pedagogy Subjects
- Social Science-2Languages-4 (English, Hindi, SKT, Punjabi) Math-1, Science.-2)
- Health & Physical Edu.-1
- Fine Arts-1
- Performing Arts (Music/Dance/Theater)-1
Qualification and pay scale as per NRCNCTE, New Delhi/KUK/ State Govt. latest Norms.
How to Apply
Eligible Applicants may send their applications with all eligibility documents to college by registered post or email within 10 days from publication of this advertisement. Also send a copy to Dean of Colleges Kuruskhetra University Kurukshetra.
Email: suratsinghcoe@gmail.com
Contact: 9416364699, 9416657415, 9416086413