Organizer: IIT(ISM), Dhanbad
About the Training
- When: 13-17 May, 2023
- Time: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
- Registration Fee Needed
- Last date to apply: 12th May, 2023
- Eligibility: Any B.Tech/M.Tech/M.S./Ph.D/ Diploma Passout/Pursuing students
Venue: Drone Electronics Lab, Electronics Engineering Department, 6th Floor, New Academic Complex, Indian Institute of Technology(ISM), Dhanbad, 826004, (Jharkhand), India.
It is a training program for capacity building for Human resource development in Unmanned Aircraft Systems (guidance, navigation, and control) in India under a project funded by Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India from 13-17 May, 2023. This bootcamp training program will provide the theory and Hands-on experiments on Drone Electronics.
Bootcamp Outline
- Introduction to Drones
- Basics of Aircraft Systems
- Classification
- UAV communication
- Sensors
- Data Acquisition Systems of UAV
- Demonstration of drone assembly
- Hands-on some aspects/
- challenges of drone electronics
- Applications of Drone Systems
Registration Fees
- Rs 500/- Student/ Faculty of IIT(ISM), Dhanbad/Participants without accommodation
- Rs 3000/- Other Participants with accommodation
Register Here
NEFT at the account details: Click Here to View
Prof. Ravi Kumar Gangwar, Email: ravi@iitism.ac.in
Prof. Samrat Mukhopadhyay Email: samrat@iitism.ac.in
Prof. Jaisingh T, Email: jaisingh@iitism.ac.in
Prof. Abhishek Grover Email: abhishekgrover@iitism.ac.in
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